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Planting Configuration Concepts of Using Bridge Crops as Nurse Trees to Reclaim Clay Settling Pond Areas Common Purpose Institute Natural Resource Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Planting Configuration Concepts of Using Bridge Crops as Nurse Trees to Reclaim Clay Settling Pond Areas Common Purpose Institute Natural Resource Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planting Configuration Concepts of Using Bridge Crops as Nurse Trees to Reclaim Clay Settling Pond Areas Common Purpose Institute Natural Resource Planning Services October, 2003

2 “In areas other than closed-canopy forests or plantations, where cogon grass survives poorly due to shading.... infestations are treated by relatively costly, laborious, and repetitive control measures.” “Impacts on non-target species from herbicide applications are often severe, creating disturbances that allow for the re- invasion by cogon grass or secondary invasions by other weedy species.” Dr. Shilling and Gaffney University of Florida/IFAS Cogon Grass Control through Herbicide Bridge Crops – A Better Way Technically and Economically?

3 (1) Native Cypress Upland (2) Clay Settling Pond (3) Cogongrass Prairie (4) Tree Farm Bridge Crops Using Energy Crop Trees as Bridge Crops To return CSAs to Native Uplands -- Creating a “Market Cash Flow Engine” to Fund Restoration Our Bridge Crops stabilize Sites by controlling Cogon (shading) and also build Soil Quality to support Natives

4 2’5” Native Trees Logging/ Harvesting Access Path Logging/ Harvesting Access Path Eucalyptus/ Cottonwoods Energy Crops Eucalyptus Mulch/Timber ? (5 yr. Harvest Cycle) (3 yr. Harvest Cycle)

5 2’5” Logging/ Harvesting Access Path Logging/ Harvesting Access Path Eucalyptus/ Cottonwoods Energy Crops Eucalyptus Mulch/Timber (5 yr. Harvest Cycle) (3 yr. Harvest Cycle) Native Flora not touched by Harvest Equipment ?

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