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PPQR THE ICELAND – MALTA EXPERIENCE 31 st August – 2 nd September 2006 University of Education, Iceland.

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Presentation on theme: "PPQR THE ICELAND – MALTA EXPERIENCE 31 st August – 2 nd September 2006 University of Education, Iceland."— Presentation transcript:

1 PPQR THE ICELAND – MALTA EXPERIENCE 31 st August – 2 nd September 2006 University of Education, Iceland

2 The participants  Sólrún Björg Kristinsdóttir – University of Education, Iceland  Michelle Attard Tonna – University of Malta

3 Main issues of workshop  Teacher Education and Training: 1.1 Pre-service Education 1.2 In-service Education 1.3 Distance Education

4 1.1 Pre-service Education in Malta  The university of Malta has full responsibility  Department of Primary Education offering specialisation in early and middle years  A range of subject specialisation for the secondary sector  Core areas and teaching practice in both options

5 Pre-service education in Iceland  Various institutions offer this initial training course  Duration of five years  Wide spectrum of subjects to choose from  Early childhood is offered as one of the optional subjects

6 Teaching practice  In Malta student-teachers have full responsibility of class under their care  In Iceland, teachers of the actual class are present to mentor the student-teachers  Both countries allocate considerable importance to teaching practice

7 A visit to Háteigsskóli school

8 1.2 In-service Education In Iceland  Related to teacher’s contract  Professional development needs identified through appraisal interview  In-service policy for each school In Malta  Compulsory by collective agreement  Three working days each scholastic year  A large number of teachers trained at the same time  Increasing number of schools organising in-house courses

9 In-service Education In Iceland  Professional development of teacher must relate to school development policy  Obligation of 150 hours of training annually  Outsourcing provides schools with range of courses  Various other training opportunities available  Workshops, conferences and European programmes  Main people responsible for setting up INSET are Education Officers employed with the Education Division

10 1.3 Distance Education  In Iceland, this has been going on for a number of years  Very popular with students of a specific profile  Range of courses available – general education, preparation for academic studies, vocational education

11 Distance Education  Teachers specifically trained for distance education  Mechanics of IT software  Pedagogical issues  Courses require students to sit for an exam

12 Distance Education  In Malta, an e-learning strategy and action plan on a nation-wide scale is being devised  National programmes of teacher training in ICT  A national effort to increase access to IT across all areas of society  The Education Division does not offer distance learning

13 Distance Education  Distance learning is mostly sourced by foreign universities/institutions  The courses offered lead to certificates, diplomas and degrees and many Maltese students choose to undertake this alternative  Distant courses are evaluated and accredited by the Malta National Academic Recognition Information Centre (NARIC)

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