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The Beauty and Gospel of Reconciliation Relationships in this world come and go. Enduring relationships, however, are based upon the biblical blessing.

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2 The Beauty and Gospel of Reconciliation Relationships in this world come and go. Enduring relationships, however, are based upon the biblical blessing of reconciliation. Eternal relationships, ultimately, are solely found in Christ.

3 We Praise God for Reconciling Us to Him! While dead – as enemies – for the trespass of our sins against Him. Ephesians 2:1-4 The apostles (and Christians today) had a ministry to share the “word of reconciliation”. 2 Corinthians 5:19


5 So That We Who Are Reconciled… …Would live no longer for ourselves, but for Him who died and rose again on our behalf. cp. 2 Corinthians 5:15

6 The Love of Christ Controls Us! His love stirs within us a heart of thanksgiving and praise to God. His love controls us to live in ways we otherwise wouldn’t. cp. Matt. 5:21ff Ultimately, transformed believers “become the righteousness of God in Christ.” 2 Cor. 5:21

7 Do Not Receive God’s Grace in Vain Live as you are called: reconciled to God to live like Him. 2 Cor. 6:1-10 TODAY is the day of salvation for believers … live like it.

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