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Applicazione n.3 Using the template sheet provided in next 2 slides, do the following: Select one specific environmental issue that can be classified as.

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Presentation on theme: "Applicazione n.3 Using the template sheet provided in next 2 slides, do the following: Select one specific environmental issue that can be classified as."— Presentation transcript:

1 Applicazione n.3 Using the template sheet provided in next 2 slides, do the following: Select one specific environmental issue that can be classified as an environmental state. How has this state changed over time?; Identify a societal pressure directly affecting the environmental state. What natural disturbances might be causing your environmental state to change?; Identify general societal drivers with broad influence on the pressure and environmental state; Given the change in your environmental state, what are some of the key impacts (ecosystem services and on human well-being); and What policy responses were directed at restoring or enhancing the environment (e.g., had influence on the environmental state, pressures and driving forces). What policy responses helped communities and businesses to adapt to the environmental impacts? 1 Politiche agroambientali

2 2 HUMAN SOCIETY ENVIRONMENT STATE and TRENDS RESPONSES PRESSURES Natural processes: DRIVERS Step 2 Step 1 Step 3 Step 1What is happening to the environment and why? Step 2What are the consequences for the environment and humanity? Step 3What is being done and how effective is it? Direct influence through human interventions IMPACTS Well-being: ……………………………… … …. … …. … …. ……………………

3 3 HUMAN SOCIETY STATE and TRENDS IMPACTS Human well-being Economic, Social Goods & Services RESPONSES Mitigation and adaptation PRESSURES Sectors Human influences Natural processes DRIVERS Ecosystem Services Indirect influence through human development Water, land, atmosphere, biodiversity Responses for Mitigation and Adaptation mitigation & restoration adaptation mitigation & restoration …………………… …………………… …………………… ……………………

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