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1 由佛典選讀入手之二 巴利經典選讀 第六講:由佛典選讀入手之二 巴利經典選讀 授課教師:國立臺灣大學哲學系 蔡耀明 教授 1 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用 CC 「姓名標示 -非商業性-相同方式分享」臺灣 3.0 版授權釋出】創用 CC 「姓名標示 -非商業性-相同方式分享」臺灣 3.0 版.

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1 1 由佛典選讀入手之二 巴利經典選讀 第六講:由佛典選讀入手之二 巴利經典選讀 授課教師:國立臺灣大學哲學系 蔡耀明 教授 1 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用 CC 「姓名標示 -非商業性-相同方式分享」臺灣 3.0 版授權釋出】創用 CC 「姓名標示 -非商業性-相同方式分享」臺灣 3.0 版

2 2 蔡耀明 第 6 週 2012/03/27 2

3  John Holder (ed. & tr.), “Chapter 3: The Greater Discourse on Cause (Mahānidāna Sutta), Early Buddhist Discourses  Rupert Gethin (tr.), “From the Chapter on Causes (Nidāna-vagga),” Sayings of the Buddha: A Selection of Suttas from the Pali Nikāyas 3

4 This is what the Blessed One said:  And what is dependent arising?  Conditioned by ignorance there are volitional forces, conditioned by volitional forces there is consciousness, conditioned by consciousness there is mind-and-body, conditioned by mind-and-body there are the six senses, conditioned by the six sense spheres there is stimulation, conditioned by stimulation there is feeling, conditioned by feeling there is craving, conditioned by craving there is attachment, 4

5 conditioned by attachment there is existence, conditioned by becoming there is birth, conditioned by birth there is old-age and death—grief, lamentation, pain, sorrow, and despair come into being. And so there is the arising of this whole mass of suffering. 5

6  But with the utter fading away and ceasing of ignorance there is the ceasing of volitional forces, with the ceasing of volitional forces there is the ceasing of consciousness, with the ceasing of consciousness there is the ceasing of mind- and-body, with the ceasing of mind-and-body there is the ceasing of the six sense spheres, with the ceasing of the six sense spheres there is the ceasing of stimulation, with the ceasing of stimulation there is the ceasing of feeling, with the ceasing of feeling there is the ceasing of craving, 6

7  with the ceasing of craving there is the ceasing of attachment, with the ceasing of attachment there is the ceasing of existence, with the ceasing of existence there is the ceasing of birth, with the ceasing of birth there is the ceasing of old-age and death—grief, lamentation, pain, sorrow, and despair cease. And so there is the ceasing of this entire mass of suffering. 7

8 8

9  This discourse provides what many scholars deem the most comprehensive analysis of the central doctrine of Buddhism, namely, dependent arising.  Elsewhere, the Buddha is quoted as saying: “One who perceives dependent arising perceives the dhamma; and one who perceives the dhamma, perceives dependent arising.”  In short, all other parts of the Buddha’s teaching may be seen as grounded on the Buddha’s teaching of dependent arising. 9

10  As it specifically applies to the arising and ceasing of suffering, the doctrine of dependent arising is usually presented in the Pali Canon in terms of the “twelvefold formula.” In this discourse, however, the formula has only ten “causal links”.  when a bhikkhu has understood things as they really are—in regard to these seven stations of consciousness and two planes, their origin, their passing away, their satisfaction, their danger, and the escape from them—then he becomes free. He is called a bhikkhu who has been freed by wisdom. 10

11  There are these eight stages of liberation, What are the eight?  One who is material sees material objects. This is the first stage of liberation.  One who has perception of immaterial objects internally sees material objects externally. This is the second stage of liberation.  One who is intent on the word ‘beautiful.’ This is the third stage of liberation. 11

12  One who passes completely beyond the perception of visible objects, with the passing away of sensory reaction and with non- attention to the diversity of perceptions, thinks ‘space is infinite,’ and lives having entered into the plane of infinite space. This is the fourth stage of liberation.  One who passes completely beyond the plane of infinite space thinks ‘consciousness is infinite,’ and lives having entered into the plane of infinite consciousness. This is the fifth stage of liberation. 12

13  One who passes completely beyond the plane of infinite consciousness thinks ‘there does not exist anything,’ and lives having entered into the planeof no-thing. This is the sixth stage of liberation.  One who passes completely beyond the plane of no-thing lives having entered into the plane of neither-perception-nor-non- perception. This is the seventh stage of liberation.  One who passes completely beyond the plane of neither- perception-nornon-perception lives having entered into the cessation of perception and feeling. This is the eighth stage of liberation. 13

14 - END - 14

15 15 頁碼作品版權標示作者 / 來源 1-17 Microsoft Office 圖像及媒體 (|) ,| 瀏覽日期 2012/03/15 。 依據 Microsoft 服務合約及著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條合理使用。Microsoft 服務合約 3 Microsoft Office 圖像及媒體 (|) ,| 瀏覽日期 2012/03/15 。 依據 Microsoft 服務合約及著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條合理使用。Microsoft 服務合約 4-7 This is what the……mass of suffering. 《 A Selection of Suttas from the Pali Nikāyas 》 頁 210-216 ,作者: Rupert Gethin ,出版年: 2008 年, 出版社: Oxford: Oxford University Press 。 依據著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條合理使用。 5 維基百科 ( , 瀏覽日期 2012/04/10 。 依據紐約時報版權聲明以及著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條合理使用。紐約時報版權聲明 5 愛歷史 - 老照片的故事 ( ,瀏覽日期 2012/04/10 。 依據著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條合理使用。

16 16 頁碼作品版權標示作者 / 來源 5 愛歷史 - 老照片的故事 ( ,瀏覽日期 2012/04/10 。 依據著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條合理使用。 7 Microsoft Office 圖像及媒體 (|) ,| 瀏覽日期 2012/03/15 。 依據 Microsoft 服務合約及著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條合理使用。Microsoft 服務合約 8 Microsoft Office 圖像及媒體 (|) ,| 瀏覽日期 2012/03/15 。 依據 Microsoft 服務合約及著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條合理使用。Microsoft 服務合約 8 Microsoft Office 圖像及媒體 (|) ,| 瀏覽日期 2012/03/15 。 依據 Microsoft 服務合約及著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條合理使用。Microsoft 服務合約 9-13 This discourse provides……stage of liberation. 《 Early Buddhist Discourses 》, 頁 26-41 ,作者: John Holder ,出版年: 2006 年, 出版社: Indianapolis:Hackett 。依據著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條合理使用。

17 17 頁碼作品版權標示作者 / 來源 14 Nothing could give life to words more than happennings... ( , 瀏覽日期 2012/04/10 。依據著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條合理使用。

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