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Dreams INSPIRE AMAZING POSSIBILITIES 2015 SOROPTIMIST GOVERNORS ROUND TABLE Region Leadership Commitment Tool Presented by: Lisa Mangiafico.

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Presentation on theme: "Dreams INSPIRE AMAZING POSSIBILITIES 2015 SOROPTIMIST GOVERNORS ROUND TABLE Region Leadership Commitment Tool Presented by: Lisa Mangiafico."— Presentation transcript:

1 dreams INSPIRE AMAZING POSSIBILITIES 2015 SOROPTIMIST GOVERNORS ROUND TABLE Region Leadership Commitment Tool Presented by: Lisa Mangiafico

2 SOROPTIMIST GOVERNORS ROUND TABLE | 2015 Reviewed last year at GRT Governors asked for some additional information – Definition of disclosure – Addition of “hold harmless” clauses – Advisability of extending tool to the club level Background

3 SOROPTIMIST GOVERNORS ROUND TABLE | 2015 Disclosure defined with examples in document Hold harmless reviewed, but not included in the document by our General Legal Counsel Counsel advised against creating a club version of the tool Document Changes

4 SOROPTIMIST GOVERNORS ROUND TABLE | 2015 What Tool Says/Does Illustrates expectations of conduct for region leaders as they participate in region business Conduct Confidentiality Conflict of Interest

5 SOROPTIMIST GOVERNORS ROUND TABLE | 2015 What Tool Says/Does Provides mechanism for removal of region leader for issues related to conduct, confidentiality, or conflict of interest, following due process

6 SOROPTIMIST GOVERNORS ROUND TABLE | 2015 Using the Tool Available, but not required to use If used, no alterations to the tool Must be adopted for use at a meeting of the region board with a motion to adopt in the minutes Should be read and signed each year

7 SOROPTIMIST GOVERNORS ROUND TABLE | 2015 Using the Tool Governor responsible for maintaining signed commitments Concerns about conduct of region leaders must be sent to governor, with copies to the president and executive director

8 SOROPTIMIST GOVERNORS ROUND TABLE | 2015 Using the Tool Concerns about elected region leaders must be handled in accordance with region bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised (11 th edition) Tool available on the Governors page of the SIA website


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