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Chapter 3 Earth’s Human Geography. A. Population 1. Population distribution varies over the entireEarth 2. People move for many reasons a.Look for better.

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1 Chapter 3 Earth’s Human Geography

2 A. Population 1. Population distribution varies over the entireEarth 2. People move for many reasons a.Look for better life b.Forced to move c.Historically, most people lived on farms d.After 1800’s, Industrial Revolution made transportation better, people moved to cities

3 3. Population Density – accounts for how crowded some places are a.Varies from one place to another

4 4. Population Growth – we look at birthrate and death rate to explain population growth a.Growth was very slow at first b.Scientific progress in farming technology and medicine caused increase in growth after 1700’s a. Vaccines and sanitary practices b. Challenges – food, housing, medical treatment

5 1. People are continually moving to new places a.Immigrants leave their countries voluntarily b.Push pull theory - They are pushed out by hardships - Pulled to a new place with hope of better life c.Migration today based on same principles d.Involuntary migration – people do not choose to move - Trans-Atlantic slave trade – largest involuntary migration in history B. Migration


7 2. Urbanization – people have moved from farms to cities a.At first many moved to cities hoping for jobs, better way of life b.Eventually, people wanted to be out of city, but still close – suburbs c.Other countries – some are just now moving to cities - Moving very fast, causing problems (overcrowding) -Traffic jams, not enough food, housing, medical facilities

8 C. Economic Systems 1. Economy – people make, exchange and use things of value a.Producers – owners; consumers – users b.3 questions: What is produced?, how is it produced?.. and For whom is it produced? c.3 types: - Private ownership – capitalism - Central government ownership – communism - Both private & government – mixed economy d.Levels – developed and developing nations

9 2. World Trade Patterns – countries create alliances for many reasons a.Trade alliances – countries with different economic specialties help each other - NAFTA, WTO b.Countries grow dependent on each other for their goods/special products

10 D. Political Systems 1. There are many types of governments a.Direct democracy – all adults took place in gov. - historic, often limited to adult males, New England b.Tribal rule – decisions made by tribal elder based on beliefs of tribe c.Absolute Monarchy – king or queen inherits throne & makes all decision d.Dictatorship – one person has total power, usually taken by force e.Oligarchy – small group of people control government - Based on political, religious, common interest f.Constitutional Monarchy – gov. with constitution that limits monarch’s power and gives it to people

11 g.Representative Democracy – run by representatives that the people choose 2. Governments rule states – which is any region that shares a government a.Historically – city-states grew first and had first governments b.Sometimes were taken over or grew into empires 3. International Organizations –made up of countries (allies) working together for many reasons -Trade (NAFTA, WTO) -Defense (NATO) -Humanitarian (UNICEF) -Economic (OPEC)

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