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Critterville ArtZone Enrichment Program Science & Art Workshop Summer 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Critterville ArtZone Enrichment Program Science & Art Workshop Summer 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Critterville ArtZone Enrichment Program Science & Art Workshop Summer 2011

2 Let’s Begin!!!!!! Art Integration is an approach to teaching in which students construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form. Students engage in a creative process which connects an art form and another subject area and meets evolving objectives in both.

3 Learning Objectives Students identify the characteristics of insects Students understand the relationship between an organism and their habitat Students understand that organisms get all that they need from their environment Students compare and contrast two and three dimensional art forms Students understand how form, structure, and shade enhance a visual art piece Students use the visual arts to illustrate their learning Students use the writing process to write an informative essay using the rules and conventions of Standard English.

4 Step 1: Prior Knowledge Students brainstorm facts about insects and record information on a bubble map.

5 Step 2: Building Background Students view videos, a powerpoint, and read books to learn more about insects.

6 Step 3: Live Bug Observation Lab Students observe live insects to learn more about them. They observe worms, crickets, meal worms, caterpillars, ladybugs, and praying mantis.

7 Step 4: Visual Arts Lessons Students learn several visual art strategies during lessons with Instructor Terrance: charcoal sketching, water painting, and pencil sketch. Lessons focus on form, space, shading and structure.

8 Step 5: Visual Arts II Students also learn strategies for creating 3-dimensional figures using sculpting techniques. They practice with play-doh first.

9 Step 6: Paper Cutting Lesson Guest Artist Candy Schneider teaches students paper cutting techniques, after sharing insect specimen and discussing strategies for shape and form.

10 More Insect Specimen Students learn the difference between anatomically and non-anatomically correct. They will choose which to create for their paper insects.

11 Sample Insects Mrs. Candy Schneider shares sample paper insects as a demonstration of what students will create.

12 Candy Explains Students listen closely and follow Candy’s directions. They will need to use these strategies later to complete the culminating project.

13 Student’s Create Student’s are busy using the paper-cutting strategies learned to make creative insects (not necesarily anatomically correct).

14 Step 7: Bug Hunt Students go on a bug hunt around the school to observe insects in their natural habitat.

15 Step 8: Putting It All Together Students use the visual arts to demonstrate their understanding of insects and their environment - they must construct both a 3-D and 2-D Visual Arts piece, as well as write an essay.

16 2-D Art Students may use any of the techniques learned in art lessons to illustrate an anatomically correct insect. They must depict an insect that they have studied and know a lot about.

17 3-D Art Students must sculpt an anatomically correct version of their insect using clay and the sculpting techniques learned in class.

18 The Essay Students are to write a 3- paragraph informative essay to explain and describe important details about their insect.

19 Step 9: Assessment Students write ‘Convince Me’ paragraphs to demonstrate their learning. The written response has to convince the audience that they are learning important information about insects.

20 Step 10: The Showcase Students put on a showcase. They set the room up like a museum, invite family, friends, administrators, and other students to attend, as well as serve as docents to share their work.

21 Step 11: Final Test & Reflections Students take a formal test to demonstrate mastery(100% pass). They also go back to their bubble map to reflect on their learning. Finally, students provide written feedback to teachers about the workshop.

22 OtherActivities... SUHUPU Timed Pair Share Numbered Heads Together Take Off Touch Down Find The Fiction Vote With Your Feet Give One Get One Puzzle Art Round Robin Rally Robin

23 Student Reflections “I would give this workshop a 9 because I am artistic and we do so many projects that are challenging.” Torian “I gave it a 10 out of 10 because I loved learning new facts about bugs and in a fun way.” Maria “It is a very fun place to learn but too much writing.” Vicki

24 More Student Reflections “ I gave it an 11 because it was fun and I learned a lot.” Yuriel “It is a 10. I liked when they taught us about bugs for example did you know that insects have the skeleton on the outside of their body” Gina “I gave it a 10 because we learned, used art, and had fun at the same time.” Becci

25 Two More Students... “I would give this session a rank of 10 because it made me like science and it was fun and learning about insect included art too.” Odalys “I gave this class a ten because it was the best fun learning experience.” Allan

26 Live Student Reflections

27 Teacher Reflections “When I think of art, I think of all of the visual art, including technology that we used. Putting art into the kids daily lessons make it easier for the kids to relate to the material. Including art in the learning is essential because it is an every day staple of our kids lives. Students were able to learn and be fully engaged and have fun because the art helped them. I don’t remember art when I grew up but our kids see it in video games, etc. Art is a very important integration. It allows them to think differently, it provides for several different types of interpretation, and it offers skill building through creativity and analytical thinking.” Kimberly Toscano

28 Teacher Reflections “ This experience has been eye- opening. After looking at the assessments, I can say that 100% of our students learned the material that we set out for them to learn AND 100% reported that they were fully engaged, motivated, and enjoyed the learning experience. I believe a tremendous contributor to this was the attempt to integrate the arts into the learning experience. Not only did students learn about insects and insect life, they also learned how to create visual art medium using art tools and strategies. For me, it’s a win win. I have learned what an integral part of teaching and learning art can be and I’m excited to continue to explore!!!” Tonya Walls

29 THE END!!!!!! Art Integration is an approach to teaching in which students construct and demonstrate understanding through an art form. Students engage in a creative process which connects an art form and another subject area and meets evolving objectives in both.

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