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Principles essay What are the tensions between the universal and the particular in the topic of your choice selected from the seminar series?

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Presentation on theme: "Principles essay What are the tensions between the universal and the particular in the topic of your choice selected from the seminar series?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Principles essay What are the tensions between the universal and the particular in the topic of your choice selected from the seminar series?

2 Structuring the essay Introduction Explaining the terms – universal and particular – introducing Kant Which topic have you picked Set out the structure of the essay

3 Section 1 Explaining Kant – (1724-1804) objective and subjective principles What is an objective principle? – It applies to all people – The purpose is not individual but universal – It can be true for all cases – It can be tested

4 Kant 2 Conditions of an objective principle – It applies to all rational persons at all times without contradiction – It respects the dignity as ends in themselves never as means to an end – Guarantees the autonomy of all persons Remember to quote and then reference AND to reference where the information comes from if you are providing information

5 Main body of essay Introduce your topic – what are the main features of the debates over choice, race, gender, inclusion? Work through the tensions between the universal and the particular within the topic You could use a structure where you ‘test’ how your topic relates to ideas of: – Application to all rational persons at all times without contradiction – Respecting the dignity of all persons as ends in themselves never as means to an end – Guaranteeing the autonomy of all persons

6 Conclusion Go back to the title set Summarise how you have responded Do not introduce any new points Do not be tempted into giving ‘your opinion’ – you should be able to work the ideas through logically Reference list at the end

7 And finally Remember each paragraph should: introduce a point Discuss with reference / quote Link to next point If it doesn’t do that then go back and make sure that it does! PROOF READ CAREFULLY

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