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TREADS Semester Review Dec. 14, 2007. Objectives Assess and Communicate Current Design Identify interfaces Approve the System Requirement Specification.

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Presentation on theme: "TREADS Semester Review Dec. 14, 2007. Objectives Assess and Communicate Current Design Identify interfaces Approve the System Requirement Specification."— Presentation transcript:

1 TREADS Semester Review Dec. 14, 2007

2 Objectives Assess and Communicate Current Design Identify interfaces Approve the System Requirement Specification Formalize the design Obtain approval to purchase parts and begin assembly

3 Agenda Mission Concept of Operations Subsystem Briefs –Structures Design, Analysis. Vibration Analysis –Thermal Analysis –DIB/SMB –Power System Architecture, Power Budget –Communications Schedule

4 Mission Statement Provide mission Objectives Why are you doing this? At a high level, how will you do this. What are you major mission requirements or limitations

5 Falcon 1 User’s Guide, SpaceX Launch TREADS Operations (1 Year) Concept of Operations

6 Ground OpsS/C Ops LV Activities Launch Primary Payload Release TREADS Power On Secondary Payload Release Tertiary Payload Release Mission Start FC Boot Up System Checkout Exec. DUT Test(s) Data Downlink Charge Batteries Customer Feedback Exec. Schedule Schedule Uplink Nominal Timeline Nominal Operations First Ground Contact

7 System Level Review Functional Block Diagram Examples Major System level capabilities and requirements. Give enough context for the sub-system sections to make sense. Full System review at the end –Mass, Volume…..

8 List major requirements and capabilities. List major components. List major concerns. Sub Systems Review

9 Total System Level requirement Compliance Power, Mass, Volume Systems Review

10 Acceptable Mass Budget

11 Electronics Risks

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