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Computer Maintenance Windows Tips Windows Tips for Windows 7 Din Ravet 1D MSP3.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Maintenance Windows Tips Windows Tips for Windows 7 Din Ravet 1D MSP3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Maintenance Windows Tips Windows Tips for Windows 7 Din Ravet 1D MSP3

2 2 Contents To speed up menu display 1 Instantly activate a screen saver 2 Organize Icons Put computer into hibernation Automatically hide the taskbar 3 4 5

3 3 To speed up menu display 1. Right-click on My Computer => Properties, click on Advanced tab then click setting button The Performance Options dialog box will appear as bellow:

4 4 To speed up menu display(cont.) Clear the Fade or slide menus into View check box => click OK Button. In the System Properties dialog Box click OK. 2. Start => Run (regedit) =>Enter Registry Editor dialog box appear Click HKEY_CURRENTS_USERS =>Control Panel => Desktop => Double -click on MenuShowDelay Then change value to 0.

5 5 Instantly activate a screen saver  Open windows Explorer (Start Button+E) => click on drive C then in search textbox type *.scr as picture shown the right, the search will automatic.  Right-click on search result screen saver=>Send to=> Desktop (Shortcut).

6 6 Instantly activate a screen saver(cont.)

7 7  Double-Click on screen saver’s shortcut

8 8 Organize Icons  To organize Icons Right-Click=>view =>Auto Arrange Icons or Align Icons to Grid.

9 9 Automatically hide the taskbar  To hide the taskbar Right-Click on Taskbar => Properties  The Taskbar and Start Menu Properties Dialog box will appear=> check the auto-hide the taskbar box

10 10 Manually put your computer into hibernation  Click Start => Hibernate


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