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Geo Skills North America South America

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Presentation on theme: "Geo Skills North America South America"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geo Skills North America South America
World Geography Geo Skills North America South America

2 Geography Skills

3 Which feature would most likely be shown on a physical map?

4 mountain ranges

5 Which aspect of geography is most influenced by these factors?
Height above sea level Distance from the equator Amount of rainfall Average daily temperature

6 climate

7 The terms cottage industries, mercantilism, unions, and laissez-faire are most closely associated with

8 economic systems

9 What best describes an impact of the computer on the global economy?

10 Companies now market more products worldwide

11 The concern expressed in this cartoon is most closely related to the consequences of….?

12 industrialization and the burning of fossil fuels

13 Which feature would most often be shown on a political map?

14 capital cities

15 latitude : ____ :: longitude : ____

16 Equator and Prime Meridian

17 Which measure shows the average number of people living in a square mile (square kilometer)?

18 Population Density

19 the graph shows that between 1950 and 2000 the world’s population increased by approximately

20 3 ½ or 4 billion

21 What is one explanation for the great change in the world population between 1950 and 2000?

22 New medicines and technology were discovered and applied

23 Geography of North America

24 The statement explains why the colonists wanted a —

25 representative form of government

26 The economic trend represented in this chart is most likely an effect of the creation of the

27 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

28 Which conclusion is supported by the information provided on the map?

29 The United States exports little or no oil.

30 What caused the change in U.S. boundaries shown above?

31 The purchase of territory from France

32 The early English colonists of North America settled near rivers, which provided resources and —

33 a source of transportation

34 Based on the map, the reader can conclude that the U.S. population-

35 has experienced continued growth in the West since 1790

36 What title completes the diagram?

37 Results of the Agricultural Revolution

38 The global transfer of foods, plants, and animals during the colonization of the Americas is known as the

39 Columbian Exchange

40 Where is central authority the strongest?

41 Central authority is strongest in a command economy.

42 We are native people who have adapted to the harsh geography of the northern Canadian territories. We live north of the forests. By what name do we prefer to be known?

43 Inuits

44 Geography of Latin America

45 Which letter identifies the region in the Andes Mountains where many Inca settlements were located?

46 B

47 The letter C indicates an area of Latin America that was colonized mostly by the

48 Portuguese

49 Which geographic feature had the greatest influence on the development of the Inca Empire?

50 mountains

51 This 2001 cartoon implies that nations in Central America are

52 facing several serious problems at the same time

53 Which geographic feature made it difficult to unify South America?

54 Andes Mountains

55 which Latin American nation had the greatest ten-year increase in foreign debt in billions of U.S. dollars between 1977 and 1987?

56 Brazil

57 Based on a comparison of these maps of South America, which conclusion is accurate?

58 Many regions of South America gained their independence between 1790 and 1828

59 Which individual is most closely associated with the changes indicated on these maps?

60 Simón Bolívar

61 How did the Inca adapt to their physical environment?

62 They built footbridges that connected their roads across the Andes

63 What is the primary reason that increasing numbers of Latin American citizens have immigrated to the United States over the last three decades?

64 hope for economic opportunities

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