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Learning Objectives To know the teachings of two religious traditions on peace To understand how these teachings are put into practice.

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1 Learning Objectives To know the teachings of two religious traditions on peace To understand how these teachings are put into practice

2 Why do you think peace is important to religious believers?

3 Religious tradition: Christianity Think ET Example Teachings Example of Jesus Jesus refused to allow his disciples to use violence to defend him at his arrest. He asked for forgiveness for those responsible for crucifying him ‘Father, forgive them’ Teachings of Jesus ‘Love your neighbour’ The Parable of the Good Samaritan. Sermon on the Mount included ‘Blessed are the peacemakers.’ ‘Turn the other cheek’

4 Religious tradition: Hinduism Ahimsa – non-violence Hindus follow the principle of ahimsa which is to avoid causing harm to others. Brahman is in every living thing. Hindus are striving to gain good karma to achieve moksha (being at one with Brahman). Working to achieve peace will gain good karma. However.... It is the dharma (duty) of the kshatryias (warrior caste) to fight if necessary.

5 Belief = Action Using the information sheet research the work of Corrymeela. Complete the note taking activity in your booklets to highlight how Corrymeela is putting Christian beliefs and teachings about peace into action.

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