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Elie Wiesel.  He arrived at Auschwitz as a teenager. He stepped off to the smell of burning human flesh. Him, his father and a few other people were.

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Presentation on theme: "Elie Wiesel.  He arrived at Auschwitz as a teenager. He stepped off to the smell of burning human flesh. Him, his father and a few other people were."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elie Wiesel

2  He arrived at Auschwitz as a teenager. He stepped off to the smell of burning human flesh. Him, his father and a few other people were sent to work camps. All the others were sent to gas chambers. Wiesel says to Oprah that individual death was a privilege at Auschwitz. He says death was a release but it then follows torture. His Life In the Concentration Camp

3  After his camp was liberated in 1945 by the United States Third army he spent a few years in a French orphanage. When he was twenty he went to study at Sorbonne in Paris. He became involved with journalistic work which his friend encouraged him to break his silence on his terrible experiences in the camps and write about them instead. After the Camps

4  In his book Night Wiesel talks about his horrible experiences he went through at Auschwitz. He talks about going to the camp with 80 other people in one cattle car. He talks about what happened when they arrived and what happened when they were liberated. This is why this book is the most important book ever. His Book: Night

5  He started speaking about peace and how important to have it here on Earth. He talked about how good forces can defeat evil ones in time. All of these things he spoke on caused him to get the Nobel Peace Prize. After the Book

6  In 1986 Wiesel won the Nobel Peace Prize. He won it for his strong beliefs in peace. His commitment to all races and religions started him to really think about peace here on Earth. The Nobel Peace Prize

7  “Never shall I forget that night, the first night in camp, which has turned my life into one long night, seven times cursed and seven times sealed....Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust. Never shall I forget these things, even if I am condemned to live as long as God Himself. Never.”-Elie Wiesel Quote

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