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Michael Mulet 04/18/13 IMDL

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Presentation on theme: "Michael Mulet 04/18/13 IMDL"— Presentation transcript:

1 Michael Mulet 04/18/13 IMDL

2 ScaredyCat Robot Robot that runs away from scary object that is “sees”

3 Sensor Description 3 IR proximity sensors 2 bump sensors 1 Webcam w/ image processing Dual axis accelerometer

4 Camera connects to beagle board BBoard to “sensor” msp430 “sensor” msp430 reads in data from Irs and communicates to “motor” msp430 Motor msp430 controls motors through pwm

5 Behavior Description while(1){ P2OUT &=0x3F; //status leds off if(check_collision() == 1 ){ rightmotor(period/4,forwards); leftmotor(period/4,forwards); } if((P1IN & 0x04)!= 0){ //if pink is detected scared_mode(); } } //end of while loop

6 int check_collision(int direction){ if((check_rb() == 1) || (check_ir(frontRight) == 1)){ //collision on right P2OUT &= 0x3F; //status LED P2OUT |= 0x40; avoid(left); return 1; } if((check_lb() ==1)|| (check_ir(frontLeft) == 1)){ //collision on left P2OUT &= 0x3F; //status LEDs P2OUT |= 0x80; avoid(right); return 1; } return 0;

7 Avoid back up for a random amount of time between.25 s and 2 s Then turn right or left for a random amount of time Random values are taken from LSB of timer If collision, Recursive avoid

8 Spin around. Amount of spin and direction is random while(1){ //check if any bumper or IR has been hit P2OUT |= 0xC0; //status LED if(check_collision(forwards) == 1){ return 1; } if( check_accelermeter() ==1 ){ Return 1; }

9 Human interactivity Status LEDs Ready light on camera Beagleboard

10 Captrue image from camera Downsample for speed Convert from BGR to HSV Threshold on Hue Take the mean of the image If mean is greater than a threshold pink is detected GPIO, buffer logic

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