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Men Like Trees Walking Mark 8:22-26. He Saw Men Like Trees Walking Reason for Jesus’s methodReason for Jesus’s method –Already healed man born blind John.

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Presentation on theme: "Men Like Trees Walking Mark 8:22-26. He Saw Men Like Trees Walking Reason for Jesus’s methodReason for Jesus’s method –Already healed man born blind John."— Presentation transcript:

1 Men Like Trees Walking Mark 8:22-26

2 He Saw Men Like Trees Walking Reason for Jesus’s methodReason for Jesus’s method –Already healed man born blind John 9:1-7 –Had raised the dead Mark 5:35-42 “I see men like trees walking”“I see men like trees walking” –A dramatic improvement but not perfect –Disciples knew it could be better

3 Disciples Saw Men Like Trees Walking Before the miracleBefore the miracle –Jesus fed the 4,000 Mark 8:1-10 –Jesus disputed with Pharisees Mark 8:11-13 –Disciples confused by leaven of Pharisees Mark 8:14-21 –Point was spiritual, they only saw physical

4 Disciples Saw Men Like Trees Walking Before the miracleBefore the miracle After the miracleAfter the miracle –Who do men say that I am? Mark 8:27-28 –You are the Christ Mark 8:29 –Jesus predicts His death Mark 8:31 –Peter takes Jesus aside & rebukes Him! Mark 8:32

5 Disciples Saw Men Like Trees Walking Jesus was demonstrating the spiritual condition of His followersJesus was demonstrating the spiritual condition of His followers On one level they did understand, but there was so much moreOn one level they did understand, but there was so much more Wanted them to have more spiritual focusWanted them to have more spiritual focus

6 We See Men Like Trees Walking Think “believing” is enough James 2:19Think “believing” is enough James 2:19 Satisfied being good & moralSatisfied being good & moral –Nobody’s perfect Romans 3:23 –We all need the gift of God Romans 6:23

7 We See Men Like Trees Walking Think “believing” is enough James 2:19Think “believing” is enough James 2:19 Satisfied being good & moralSatisfied being good & moral When we sin willfully 1 John 5:18When we sin willfully 1 John 5:18 Think service to God merely consists of keeping physical requirementsThink service to God merely consists of keeping physical requirements –Pharisee & publican Luke 18:9-14 –God has never accepted heartless worship –More than just doing right things Psalm 51:16-17

8 We See Men Like Trees Walking Think “believing” is enough James 2:19Think “believing” is enough James 2:19 Satisfied being good & moralSatisfied being good & moral When we sin willfully 1 John 5:18When we sin willfully 1 John 5:18 Think service to God merely consists of keeping physical requirementsThink service to God merely consists of keeping physical requirements Satisfied with our growth Heb. 5:12-14Satisfied with our growth Heb. 5:12-14 –We seek the fullness of God Eph. 1:17-19 –There is always more to know and understand

9 We See Men Like Trees Walking Think “believing” is enough James 2:19Think “believing” is enough James 2:19 Satisfied being good & moralSatisfied being good & moral When we sin willfully 1 John 5:18When we sin willfully 1 John 5:18 Think service to God merely consists of keeping physical requirementsThink service to God merely consists of keeping physical requirements Satisfied with our growth Heb. 5:12-14Satisfied with our growth Heb. 5:12-14 Give ourselves too much creditGive ourselves too much credit –Just tools in God’s hand Isaiah 10:15 –Not being thankful is step towards apostasy Rom. 1:21

10 Are You Satisfied Seeing Men Like Trees Walking? Set your sights on spiritual things Get help from Jesus Take advantage of every opportunity to learn and grow

11 What Must I Do To Be Saved? You believe in God, believe also in Me. John 14:1 Unless you repent, you likewise will perish. Luke 13:3 Confess Me before men, and I’ll confess you before My Father. Matthew 10:32 He that believes and is baptized shall be saved Mark 16:16 Be faithful unto death... Rev. 2:10

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