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Topic: Properties of Hydrocarbons Do Now: Quiz. Hydrocarbons.

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1 Topic: Properties of Hydrocarbons Do Now: Quiz

2 Hydrocarbons

3 molecular Properties of Covalent Substances (also called molecular substances) Low melting points, low boiling points Poor conductors of heat & electricity May be soft or brittle Generally nonpolar – van der Waals forces Tend to dissolve in nonpolar solvents React more slowly than ionic compounds

4 Increasing in Size = Increasing IMF = increasing BP/MP

5 Properties of Alkanes Low Reactivity – Except readily undergo combustion (fuels) Nonpolar – don ’ t dissolve well in water Low melting & low boiling points – both increase with molecular mass High vapor pressures

6 Properties of Alkanes Change systematically with # of C ’ s As # of C ’ s increases, boiling point increases – molecules get heavier so harder to change into gas phase

7 A.Low melting point B.High melting point C.Soluble in polar solvents D.Insoluble in nonpolar solvents Which property is generally characteristic of an organic compound? Correct response = A

8 A.CH 4 B.C 2 H 6 C.C 3 H 8 D.C 4 H 10 Which of the following compounds has the highest boiling point? Correct answer = D nonpolar coval cmpd: bp depends on strength of van der Waals interactions bp depends on strength of van der Waals interactions van der Waals forces ↑ as size of molecule ↑ van der Waals forces ↑ as size of molecule ↑ bigger molecule = bigger electron cloud bigger molecule = bigger electron cloud

9 Properties of Alkenes Nonpolar – low solubility in H 2 O fairly low melting and low boiling points More reactive than alkanes : – double bond is site of reactivity

10 Properties of Alkynes Nonpolar – low solubility in H 2 O fairly low melting and low boiling points More reactive than alkenes : – triple bond is site of reactivity

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