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F LEXIBLE S TABILIZATION A RM FOR U LTRASOUND P ROBES Group Members: Brian Moraguez Ashley Morgan Ryan Murphy Advisors: Rajnish Gupta, MD Eric Briggs MD.

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Presentation on theme: "F LEXIBLE S TABILIZATION A RM FOR U LTRASOUND P ROBES Group Members: Brian Moraguez Ashley Morgan Ryan Murphy Advisors: Rajnish Gupta, MD Eric Briggs MD."— Presentation transcript:

1 F LEXIBLE S TABILIZATION A RM FOR U LTRASOUND P ROBES Group Members: Brian Moraguez Ashley Morgan Ryan Murphy Advisors: Rajnish Gupta, MD Eric Briggs MD

2 P ROBLEM S TATEMENT Mentors Dr. Gupta and Dr. Briggs are anesthesiologists at Vanderbilt Localized pain management surgeries require the use of three hands: one to insert a needle next to the nerve, one to hold an ultrasound probe, and one to thread the catheter. This procedure requires the use of an additional assistant to lend the extra hand. This increases the risk of contamination and the costs of the procedure

3 O BJECTIVES 1- To research existing technologies in flexible stabilization arms and adapt a new idea around these existing one. 2 - To design a flexible arm with interlocking and flexible joints for use with ultrasound probes to aid in surgery 3 -To produce a working prototype for future modification and development

4 D ESIGN R EQUIREMENTS Flexible and movable arm with little resistance when out of tension. When in tension, the arm must be rigid enough to resist movement. Light weight Durable Accurate and Precise


6 C URRENT W ORK Built prototype Working on design solutions Testing design Assessing issues with current design

7 F UTURE W ORK Construct prototype handle Machine shop? Choose final design pieces Build prototype with handle and arm Work with mentor to get funding



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