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Yellow background In this activity you are to write the information on all screens that have a yellow background.

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Presentation on theme: "Yellow background In this activity you are to write the information on all screens that have a yellow background."— Presentation transcript:

1 yellow background In this activity you are to write the information on all screens that have a yellow background.

2 Survival Lab


4 Predator - An organism (animal) that lives by preying on other organisms (animals). Examples include: lions, eagles, snakes.

5 Prey - An organism (animal) seized by another for food. Examples include: rabbits, mice, gazelles.

6 Protective coloration - an adaptation where color matching is used to blend into the background. Examples include : polar bear, lion, rabbit.

7 Camouflage an adaptation that uses two or more colors to create a matching pattern that visually breaks up the outline of an organism so it blends into its surroundings. Examples include: zebras, tigers, giraffe.

8 In this activity you will be the predator. You will hunt different type of prey in different surroundings.

9 The prey will be considered ‘killed’ if it is counted by the predator.

10 Each ‘hunting field’ will be different and the prey will be distributed in different locations for each hunt.

11 You will ‘hunt’ the same prey on the same background 3 different times.

12 For each hunt, you will record the number of prey killed in your data chart. Each hunt will have between 15 and 30 prey.

13 Data Chart

14 The prey will use either protective coloration or camouflage or neither to protect itself from the predator.

15 You will only have 5 seconds for each hunt. DO NOT RETURN TO THE HUNT AFTER THE SCREEN HAS CHANGED!

16 PREPARE TO HUNT The next screen will by your first hunting situation. As soon as you press the ENTER key you will begin hunting. You will only have 5 seconds to hunt. Situation 1 - Trial 1 Hunt for *

17 ********************************************************

18 STOP Record your data

19 Situation 1 2nd Trial (press enter to begin the hunt)

20 ******************************************************

21 STOP Record your data

22 Situation 1 Trial 3 (press enter to begin the hunt)

23 ******************************************************

24 STOP Record your data

25 Situation 2 Trial 1 Hunt for * (press enter to begin the hunt)

26 ****************************************************

27 STOP Record your data

28 Situation 2 Trial 2 (press enter to begin the hunt)

29 ****************************************************

30 STOP Record your data

31 Situation 2 Trial 3 (press enter to begin the hunt)

32 ******************************************************

33 STOP Record your data

34 Situation 3 Trial 1 Hunt for /// (press enter to begin the hunt)

35 ////// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// ///

36 STOP Record your data

37 Situation 3 Trial 2 (press enter to begin the hunt)

38 ////// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// ///

39 STOP Record your data

40 Situation 3 Trial 3 (press enter to begin the hunt)

41 ////// /// /// /// /// /// /// ////// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// ///

42 STOP Record your data

43 Situation 4 Trial 1 Hunt for ::: (press enter to begin the hunt)

44 :::::: ::: :::::: ::: :::::: :::::: ::: :::::: ::: ::: :::::: ::: :::::: ::: :::::: :::::: ::: :::

45 STOP Record your data

46 Situation 4 Trial 2 (press enter to begin the hunt)

47 :::::: ::: :::::: ::: :::::: :::::: ::: :::::: ::: ::: :::::: ::: :::::: ::: :::::: ::::::

48 STOP Record your data

49 Situation 4 Trial 3 (press enter to begin the hunt)

50 :::::: ::: :::::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::::: ::: :::::: ::::::

51 STOP Record your data

52 Situation 5 Trial 1 Hunt for ::: (press enter to begin the hunt)

53 :::::: ::: :::::: ::: :::::: :::::: ::: :::::: ::: ::: :::::: ::: :::::: ::: :::::: ::::::

54 STOP Record your data

55 Situation 5 Trial 2 (press enter to begin the hunt)

56 :::::: ::: :::::: ::: :::::: :::::: ::: :::::: ::: ::: :::::: ::: :::::: ::: :::::: ::::::

57 STOP Record your data

58 Situation 5 Trial 3 (press enter to begin the hunt)

59 :::::: ::: :::::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::::: ::: :::::: ::::::

60 STOP Record your data

61 Situation 6 Trial 1 Hunt for   (press enter to begin the hunt)

62                                               

63 STOP Record your data

64 Situation 6 Trial 2 (press enter to begin the hunt)

65              

66 STOP Record your data

67 Situation 6 Trial 3 (press enter to begin the hunt)

68                                               

69 STOP Record your data

70 Situation 7 Trial 1 Hunt for  (press enter to begin the hunt)

71                                               

72 STOP Record your data

73 Situation 7 Trial 2 (press enter to begin the hunt)

74                                               

75 STOP Record your data

76 Situation 7 Trial 3 (press enter to begin the hunt)

77                                               

78 STOP Record your data

79 Situation 8 Trial 1 Hunt for ‘w’ (press enter to begin the hunt)

80 dddddwdddddddddddddddddddddddddddd dddwdddddddddddddddddwddddddddddd dddddddddwdddddddddddddddddddddd ddwdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd dddddddwdddddddddwddddddddddddddd ddddddddddddddddddddddddwdddddddd dddddddddddwdddddddwdddddddddddddd dddwdddddddddddddddddwdddddddddwd ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd dddddddwddddddddddddddddddwddd ddddwddddddddddddddddwdddddddddw ddddddddddddddddwdddddddddddddd

81 STOP Record your data

82 Situation 8 Trial 2 (press enter to begin the hunt)

83 ddddddddwddddddddddddddddddddddddd dddwdddddddddddddddwdddddddddwdddd ddddddwddddddddddddddddddddddddwwd ddddddddddddwdddddddddddddddddddwd wddddddddddddddddddddwdddddddddwdd dddddddddddwddddddddddddddddddddwd ddddddddddddddddddwdddddddddddddd dddddddwddddddddddddddwddwdddwdddd wdddddddwddddwdddddddddddddddddddd ddddddddddddddddddwdddddddwddddddd dwddddwdddddddddddwddddddddddwddd dddwddddddddddwdddddddddddwdddddd

84 STOP Record your data

85 Situation 8 Trial 3 (press enter to begin the hunt)

86 ddddddddwddddddddddddddddddddddddd dddwdddddddddwdddddddddddddddwdddd ddddddwddddddddddddddddddddddddwwd ddddddddddddwdddddddddddddddddddwd dddddddddddddddddddwdwddddwddddddd wdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddwd ddddddddddwddddddddwdddddddddddddd dddddddwddddddddddddddwddwdddwdddd wdddddddwddddddddddddddddddddddddd dddddddddddddddddwddwdddddwddddddd dddddwdddddddddwddwdddddddwdddddd dddwddddddddddwddddddddddddwddddd

87 STOP Record your data

88 Situation 9 Trial 1 Hunt for ‘b’ (press enter to begin the hunt)

89 ddddddddbddddddddddddddddddddddddd dddbdddddddddbdddddddddddddddbdddd ddddddbddddddddddddddddddddddddbbd ddddddddddddbdddddddddddddddddddbb dddddddddddddddddddbdbddddbddddddd bdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddbd ddddddddddbddddddddbdddddddddddddd dddddddbdddddddddddbdddddbdddbdddd bdddddddbdddddddddddddddddddddddddd bdddddddddddddddbddbdddddbddddddbb dddddbdddddddddbdddbdddddddbdddddd dddddbddddddddbdddbbdddddddbdddddd

90 STOP Record your data

91 Situation 9 Trial 2 (press enter to begin the hunt)

92 dddddbdddddddddddddddddddddddddddd dddbdddddddddbdddddddddddddddbdddd ddddddddddbddddddddddddddddddddbd ddddddddddddbdddddddddddddddddddbb ddbddddddddddddddddddbddddddddddd bdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddbd ddddddddddbdddddddddddddddddddddd dddddddddddddddddbdddddddddbddddb bdddddddbdddddddddddddddddbdddddddd dbddddbdddddddddddbddddddddbdddddbb ddddbdbdddddddddbddddddddddbdddddd dddddbddddddddbdddbbdddddddbdddddd

93 STOP Record your data

94 Situation 9 Trial 3 (press enter to begin the hunt)

95 ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd dddbdddddddddbdddddddddddddddbdddd dddddddddddddddddbdddddddddddddbbd ddddddddddddbdddddddddddddbddddddbb ddddddddddddddddddddbddddbddddddd bdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddbd dddbddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd dddddddddddbddddddddddddbdddbdddd bdddddbdddddddddddddddddddddddddddd bdddddddbddddddddbdddddddbddddddbb dddddbdddddddddbddddddddddbdddddd dddddbddddddddbdddbbdddddddbdddddd

96 STOP Record your data

97 Situation 10 Trial 1 Hunt for  (press enter to begin the hunt)

98 

99 STOP Record your data

100 Situation 10 Trial 2 (press enter to begin the hunt)

101 

102 STOP Record your data

103 Situation 10 Trail 3 (press enter to begin the hunt)

104 

105 STOP Record your data

106 Situation 11 Trial 1 Hunt for  (press enter to begin the hunt)

107 

108 STOP Record your data

109 Situation 11 Trial 2 (press enter to begin the hunt)

110 

111 STOP Record your data

112 Situation 11 Trial 3 (press enter to begin the hunt)

113 

114 STOP Record your data

115 You have completed the data collection part of this lab.

116 Calculate the total and average columns.

117 On the back of the handout, graph the averages using the proper type of graph.

118 Conclusions Answer the following questions on the back of your handout. 1.What were the easiest “animals” to hunt? –Why? 2.Did you get better with additional trials? –Why? 3.Which situation was the most difficult for you? –Why? 4.What did you have to do as a “predator” to adapt? –Why did you make that change? 5.What did the prey do to adapt? –Why was this successful? 6.What did you learn in this lab about predators and prey? Survival Lab is due on today at the end of class.

119 Natural Selection Watch the video below on Natural Selection. Login: kyrene Password: myksd alselection/ alselection/ Go to the link below and complete the activity in your notebook. ralselection/activity/ ralselection/activity/

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