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Tuesday August 28, 2012 (People and the Environment; Natural Resources)

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1 Tuesday August 28, 2012 (People and the Environment; Natural Resources)

2 Please take out (or get) a sheet of paper and put your proper heading in the upper-right corner. Write the following question: What are the four major topics that are studied in Earth and Space Science? The Launch Pad Tuesday, 8/28/12

3 The Launch Pad Tuesday, 8/28/12Meteorology

4 Announcements Please remember that we will have our first Quiz on Friday. Please have your composition book by Thursday.

5 Assignment Currently Open Summative or Formative? Date IssuedDate Due Date Into GradeSpeed Final Day ESS Class Information Sheet F8/278/28 ESS Class Procedures and Expectations F8/278/29

6  Earth Science encompasses all sciences that seek to understand Earth and Earth’s place in space.  Earth Science includes: Astronomy – the study of the universe Geology – literally the “study of Earth” Meteorology – the study of the atmosphere and the processes that produce weather Oceanography – a study of the ocean  In your SLC, discuss which of the above topics you are most interested in, and why,

7  Environment An environment surrounds and influences organisms. The physical environment encompasses water, air, soil, and rock. The term “environmental” is usually reserved for those aspects that focus on the relationships between people and the natural environment.  Resources Resources are an important focus of the Earth sciences. Resources include water, soil, minerals, and energy. Two broad categories of resources: Renewable – can be replenished (examples include plants and energy from water and wind) Nonrenewable – cannot be replenished (examples include fossil fuels) Renewable resources can become nonrenewable through misuse.

8 Improper Use of Natural Resources Madagascar’s unique biodiversity is facing numerous threats, but deforestation is among the most serious. Small-scale, but widespread clearance of vegetation, primarily for slash and burn agriculture and for firewood and charcoal production, is the main cause of forest destruction and degradation. As Madagascar's forests continue to be cut, all that remains is a red trail that runs down the rivers into the sea. Soil erosion, which corresponds to the loss of topsoil, is leaving the land naked and unfit for agriculture. Downstream, increased sediment loads are silting estuaries and smothering sensitive marine habitats. As a result, marine species lose their habitat. Farmers and fishermen lose their source of income. Deforestation also increases greenhouse gas emissions. In your SLC, discuss what you would do to solve this problem, if you think it can be solved..

9  Population The population of the planet is growing rapidly. The rate of mineral and energy usage has climbed more rapidly than the overall growth of population.  Environmental Problems Local, regional, and global Natural hazards Earthquakes and tsunamis Volcanoes and Landslides Floods Hurricanes and tornadoes World population pressures Human-induced and accentuated Urban air pollution Acid rain (> pH of oceans) Ozone depletion Global warming (> CO 2 conc.)

10  Distinguish between the terms “environment” and “environmental.”  Differentiate between renewable and non- renewable resources, including examples of each.  How can renewable resources become non- renewable?  Describe the effects human populations have on Earth’s resources.  Compare and contrast natural hazards with human-induced and accentuated hazards.

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