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College Students’ Expectations for Hook-Ups. Amanda Smitley Hanover College.

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Presentation on theme: "College Students’ Expectations for Hook-Ups. Amanda Smitley Hanover College."— Presentation transcript:

1 College Students’ Expectations for Hook-Ups. Amanda Smitley Hanover College

2 Why Study This? Interest in sex research Prominent behavior among college students (Paul, 2000)

3 Definition of a Hook-up A hook-up is a brief sexual encounter between two people who either do not know each other at all, who are just acquainted, or have had a previous non-sexual relationship. The sexual encounter may involve petting, oral sex, and/or sexual intercourse (kissing alone does not constitute a hook-up. (Adjusted Paul 2006, 141)

4 Gender Differences in Sexual Attitudes – 50% of both men and women agreed to take the date – 75% of men said “yes” to the sexual invitation – Not a single woman said “yes” to sex (Clark and Hatfield,1989)

5 Who Hooks-Up More Men exhibit more permissive attitudes toward, and greater interest in experiencing, uncommitted sexual activity than do women (Oliver & Hyde, 1993)

6 Motives for Hook-Up – 47% of men -- sexual desire – 29% of women -- sexual desire – 9% of men -- increase in relationship probability – 44% of women -- increase in relationship probability (Regan and Dreyer,1999) Different Experiences of Sex – Women traditionally have been known to link love with sex, while men have been known to separate the two (Glass & Wright, 1985)

7 Unexplored Areas Expectations vs. motives – Motives: drive – Expectations: predictions Changes after the hook-up – New dimension of hook-up research

8 Research Questions What are the expectations that college students have about hook-ups? How do expectations of men and women differ? Do expectations about the relationship change after a hook-up?

9 Hypotheses Males will have significantly more hook-ups than females. Males will expect a pleasurable sexual experience during a hook-up significantly more than females. Females will expect a romantic relationship to form after the hook-up significantly more than males.

10 Methods… Participants 66 total – 44 female – Ages 18-29 M=20.48 – 42 Caucasian Class Level – 27 Freshman – 14 Sophomore – 11 Junior – 14 Senior

11 Materials Questionnaire posted on Psychological Research On the Net (Krantz, 2008) – Informed Consent – Demographics – Hook-up history – Hook-up expectations – Changed expectations after hook-ups – Debriefing form

12 Demographics Age Sex Class level Ethnicity Religious Affiliation Greek Affiliation Relationship Status Sexual Orientation

13 Hook-Up History (Example Questions) Approximately, how many hook-ups have you been involved in since beginning college? Of the hook-ups you have been involved in, approximately how many have involved alcohol or other drugs?

14 Hook-Up Expectations (Example Questions) Closed-Ended Questions – In most of your hook- ups, to what extent did you expect to have a pleasurable sexual experience? – In most of your hook- ups, to what extent did you expect to relieve boredom? Open-Ended Questions – What do you expect to get from an ideal hook- up? – What would a bad hook- up look like?

15 Changed Expectations After Hook-ups (Example Questions) Have your expectations ever changed after a hook-up? After a hook-up, have you kept in contact with that person you hooked-up with?


17 Number of Hook-ups Versus Grade Level and Gender Female range: 0-15Male range: 0-25 Main Effect for Grade: F(1,3)=6.07, p<.01

18 Hook-Up Behaviors 33 out of 66 participants reported drugs or alcohol being used during the majority of their hook-ups. 15 participants reported never using any form of STI protection during a hook-up. (3 men, 12 women)

19 Expect Pleasurable Sexual Experience t(64)=-.59, p=.56; Hypothesis 2 not confirmed

20 Expect Relationship t(63)=.422, p=.674; Hypothesis 3 not confirmed

21 Expect Better Reputation t(64)=-3.63, p<.01

22 Expect Popularity t(64)=-2.48, p=.02

23 Expectations After the Hook-Up 27 participants (41%) -- experienced changed expectations 39 participants (59%) -- engaged in a romantic relationship 59 participants (89 %) -- remained in contact 44 participants (67%) -- had regrets

24 Discussion There were no significant gender differences between number of hook-ups, expectations of a romantic relationship, or expectation of a pleasurable hook-up. However, there were significant gender differences between popularity and a better reputation from peers in regards to hook-ups. – Male participants viewed casual sex as a means of enhancing their reputation among other men (Regan and Dreyer, 1999)

25 Discussion Hook-ups are common; however, not everyone engaging in them uses safe protection. Not surprisingly, based on the stereotypes, the use of alcohol is quite common; however, as seen there were a number of hook-ups where alcohol was not involved

26 Future Directions Diversity – Only had 66 total participants and 67% were female. – Predominantly Caucasian participants Focus more on drugs and alcohol Compare the expectations that individuals who have never engaged in a hook-up have in comparison to those that have already hooked-up

27 Conclusion Some of the participants reported experiences of ambivalence or mixed feelings in regards to hook-ups.


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