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Make sure to work on your Organ System Puzzle Notes from this lesson should be written on your Anatomical Positions worksheet.

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Presentation on theme: "Make sure to work on your Organ System Puzzle Notes from this lesson should be written on your Anatomical Positions worksheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Make sure to work on your Organ System Puzzle Notes from this lesson should be written on your Anatomical Positions worksheet

2 Homeostasis Homeostasis = existence of a stable internal environment Homeostatic regulation = keeps internal environment within desirable limits Most often done by the nervous and endocrine systems

3 Anatomical Position Stands erect Hands at the side Palms facing forward SUPINE = person laying down face up PRONE = person laying down face down

4 Anatomical Directions – page 14: anterior front or before posterior back or behind ventral belly side dorsal back cranial/cephalic head caudal tail superior above inferior below

5 Anatomical Directions Cont. medialtowards the body’s longitudinal axis lateralaway from the body’s longitudinal axis proximalcloser to the trunk distalaway from the trunk superficialat or near the body surface deepfarther from the body surface

6 Sectional Anatomy Separates superior and inferior body portions Separates anterior and posterior body portions Separates right and left body portions

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