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Patient Participation DES Questionnaire Results March 2012.

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1 Patient Participation DES Questionnaire Results March 2012

2 Please note !  These are provisional results and we are working through them at the moment to make sure the figures we have are as accurate as possible

3 The survey – a reminder  We drew up our questionnaire following the first two PRG meetings in January and February  Survey was available to patients for 2 weeks both as hard paper copies and on-line  Target size was 450 (50 per GP equivolant) with an estimated return of 75%. 10% range acceptable and still valid statistically  We had a return rate of 314 (69.7%) hence a valid survey

4 Responder demographics  39% male and 61% female  Average age group was that of 45-64 yr olds  97% were white ethnic origin and 45% stated that they had a long standing illness

5 Appointment booking  The majority (73%) thought that getting through on the phone was the easiest way to make an appointment  71% of patients surveyed thought getting through to book an appointment by telephone was very, or quite easy while 29% felt it was not very easy or difficult  14% thought on-line was the easiest format

6 Appointment choice  73% found getting an appointment with any doctor or nurse was very easy or quite easy, while 15% found it difficult  We did not do so well on providing a doctor or nurse of the patient’s choice with just 52% saying it was easy or quite easy to see their preferred choice of clinician

7 Clinical service provision  97% of patients questioned said that they received a good service from the doctor or nurse when they saw them  1% said they did not  2% did not know !

8 Communication with patients  81% thought the tannoy system was clear  Breakdown of how patients would like to be informed of changes in the surgery

9 Premises and front of house  66% thought there was sufficient parking  Of the 27% of ‘disabled’ patients 74% felt the surgery was suitable for their needs and 26% did not  84% of patients felt that their conversations at the front desk were overheard but only 22% of these were unhappy about this. This was also mentioned in the ‘what do you like least about the surgery’ question by 16% of patients who completed that part of the questionnaire

10 Service provision at the surgery  74% of patients felt they were given enough information regarding the services available at the practice. 12% did not know

11 Service provision continued

12 What did patients like the least ?  Appointments and the phones – 43% made free text comments regarding time delays in being seen, getting through on the phones and not being able to see a doctor of your choice  27% of patients also said they felt the waiting room was stuffy and there was a lack of seating and space  16% as mentioned before felt there was a lack of privacy at the front desk  4% had issues with prescription management and 6% with staff attitude

13 What did patients like the most ?  Always good to end on a positive!  54% were complimentary about the staff, both clinical and reception – being helpful, friendly and professional  Other things respondents liked was the fact that the surgery was local and it was generally easy to get an appointment


15 Our action plan ?  Link to Plan Documents Plan DocumentsPlan Documents

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