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Maintenance of Elements. Evidence of Evaluation 1.ASK 2.REVIEW / ANALYZE 3.REPORT = EVALUATION Collection of Data –Consider What/Why, How, When, & Who.

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Presentation on theme: "Maintenance of Elements. Evidence of Evaluation 1.ASK 2.REVIEW / ANALYZE 3.REPORT = EVALUATION Collection of Data –Consider What/Why, How, When, & Who."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maintenance of Elements

2 Evidence of Evaluation 1.ASK 2.REVIEW / ANALYZE 3.REPORT = EVALUATION Collection of Data –Consider What/Why, How, When, & Who – i.e. Administer a Quiz to 50 staff. Review or Analyze the data collected –Consider Who, When & How? –i.e. Score the quiz & tabulate the overall results and identified gaps. Reporting the Results –Consider to Who, When, How & Where? –i.e. Quiz results are discussed at JHSC and minutes posted.

3 MAINTENANCE OF ELEMENTS Program Continuous Improvement

4 What is Maintenance? Methods to regularly check and evaluate past elements: Are they being kept up or sustained? Are they current to our needs, the law? Are they effective? Are we still doing what we said? Is the 5-Steps in place?

5 5 1 4 2 3 Written Standard Communication Training Evaluate Acknowledge Success & Make Improvements Make Improvements 5-Steps to Managing Health & Safety CURRENT YEAR PAST YEAR(S)

6 Start of Maintenance and Continuous Improvement Based on your Evaluation of the element: Were there gaps? What recommendations for improvement have been made? –How are these incorporated into the present year? What successes exist? –How are these shared and continued with new / returning and existing employees?

7 Step 1 - Maintenance Annual Review of company Standards:  Base on evaluation, were there gaps?  Do the improvements need to be incorporated (new “rules”)?  Do standards meet current business process?  Do standards continue to meet legislations?  When will this be done? (several dates/times is easier)  Who will review the standards?

8 How can we show Evidence…? DISCUSS  Date Standards – Use “issue / review (no changes) /revise (changes) dates” or an index page, or other suggestions?  Circulate policies & procedures for comment i.e. Management meetings, JHSC (document thru minutes & post); other suggestions?  Other?

9 Step 2 - Maintenance Revisit communication:  if revise standard (“rules”) – need to communicate “new rules” to all staff  how are new / returning staff informed of past elements?  would staff benefit from ongoing or repeated communication? i.e. reminding staff on past heat stress standard during summer  Other?

10 How can we show Evidence…? DISCUSS  Include in Orientation training checklist  Include in employee handbook  Include in health & safety manual  Include in JHSC meetings & minutes (posted)  Include in safety talks, staff meetings, pay stuffers, newsletters, postings on H&S board  Other?

11 Step 3 - Maintenance Review training:  Is additional training required? Have the “rules” changed?  Have new/returning/transferred staff been trained?  Do we have the required / appropriate number of trained personnel?  Has annual been completed?  Is all training current (not expired)?

12 How can we show Evidence…? DISCUSS  Include in safety talks, staff H&S meetings/training, one-on-one training, other?  Include in Orientation training checklists  Maintain a staff training matrix of all training and expiry dates  Post training certificates  Other?

13 Step 4 - Maintenance Regular evaluation of elements:  Are we doing what we said we would do…still?  Is it working for us?  What are the gaps?  Are changes needed?  Can we do something better?

14 How can we show Evidence…? DISCUSS  Include on Workplace Inspection checklists - regular evaluation of past elements (x12)  Inspections are reviewed by JHSC  Recommendations made, noted in JHSC Minutes and posted  Use other internal/ third-party audits (i.e. ISO)  Regular observations of staff performing (i.e. LOTO, Forklift, PPE) by Supervisors, JHSC  Annual staff quiz, survey (part of Workplace Inspections?)  Others?

15 Step 5 - Maintenance Make improvements and acknowledge successes  based on evaluation and review of the first 3 steps make improvements where necessary and  acknowledge successes and employee’s contributions

16 How can we show Evidence…? DISCUSS Reports to / from Management End of year newsletter, memo from leadership outlining specific improvements and successes Recommendations from JHSC, noted in JHSC Minutes and posted for staff Posted results from staff observations, quiz, survey etc. End of year celebrations / gifts with link to elements (i.e. speech, agenda, minutes) Others?

17 REVIEW How do you know that the past standards meet legislation and company procedures? How do you ensure that all new / returning employees are aware of our past policies? How do you know all related training is current? Is additional training needed? How do you know that we continue to follow our past standards? What improvements have we made? COMPLETE YR-END MAINTENANCE FORM

18 Year-end Maintenance Report Pg 1/2

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