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Case # 6: Geese from Texas Purvis et al. 1997 Neil Schock Matt Igleski.

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1 Case # 6: Geese from Texas Purvis et al. 1997 Neil Schock Matt Igleski

2 Study Hosts 22 White-fronted Geese (Anser albifrons) 24 Snow Geese (Chen caeulescens) 10 Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) n= 56

3 Methods Shot with a rifle December-February: ‘91- ‘92, ‘92- ‘93 Froze esophagus, proventriculus, and gizzard Examined for gross lesions with dissecting scope

4 Symptoms Virtually every bird had: –Gross mucosal erosion –Pigment deposition No signs of significant tissue damage No gross tissue damage No correlation of host weight and parasite abundance

5 Diagnosis What is the disease? –Cause of death? –Symptoms indicative of? –Host? Management implications?

6 Diagnosis: Answer Gizzard worm

7 Management Possibly density dependent –So limiting densities could slow transmission ?

8 Exam question What organs were examined for general helminth surveys? esophagus, proventriculus, and gizzard

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