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Earth’s Place in the Universe. Starter- Do on page 181 in the starter section of your notebook.  Our new unit is Earth’s Role in Space, where do you.

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Presentation on theme: "Earth’s Place in the Universe. Starter- Do on page 181 in the starter section of your notebook.  Our new unit is Earth’s Role in Space, where do you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth’s Place in the Universe

2 Starter- Do on page 181 in the starter section of your notebook.  Our new unit is Earth’s Role in Space, where do you think Earth fits in space? Is it a large or small part of space? Is it unique to other aspects of space?  Write a paragraph to explain what you think is Earth’s role in space.

3 Astronomy Unit Page 12 1. Heliocentric 2. Geocentric 3. Retrograde Motion 4. Kepler’s 3 Laws 5. Ellipse 6. Perihelion 7. Aphelion 8. Astronomical Unit 9. Barycenter 10. Galaxy 11. Spring Tide 12. Neap Tide 13. Revolution 14. Rotation 15. Nutation 16. Solar Eclipse 17. Lunar Eclipse 18. Perigee 19. Apogee 20. Precession 21. Solstice 22. Equinox

4 Early Views of the Solar System Early man believed  Earth was the center of the solar system (geocentric universe) The Greek philosopher Aristarchus (312-230 BC)  Sun was the center of the solar system (heliocentric universe)

5 History of Astronomy video 

6 Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543) agreed with heliocentric model; & added 1. Planets move in circular orbits around the sun 2. The Earth spins on its axis

7 Johanes Kepler wanted to disprove heliocentric model but suspected Copernicus was RIGHT!

8  Johanes Kepler discovered 3 laws of planetary motion: 1. The Law of the Ellipse: orbit of a planet is elliptical, not circular

9 2. The Law of Equal Areas: a planet moves faster when close to the sun and slower the further away it is  Perihelion – point in a planet’s orbit when it is closest to the Sun  Aphelion – point in planet’s orbit when it is farthest away from the Sun

10 3. The Law of Orbital Harmony: square of the orbital period is proportional to the cube of the planet’s distance from the sun  Earth’s orbital period is: 365.24219 days  The extra.24219 is why we add an extra day every 4 years

11 Galileo (1564-1641)  1 st to observe sky using a telescope  made observations that confirmed that our solar system is heliocentric

12 Sir Issac Newton (1642 – 1727)  Defined the Law of Universal Gravitation (Gravity)  Concluded that the moon moves around the Earth

13 The Solar System consists of:  Planets Planets  Moons  Asteroids  Comets

14 PLANETS A planet is a large, round heavenly body that orbits a star and shines with light reflected from the star. A Natural Satellite or moon is a celestial body that orbits a planet or larger body (like Earth orbiting the sun)

15 What are the 8 planets? HINT: My Very Excited Mother Just Sent Us News Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune

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