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2011 Formation of National Assembly and Legislative Assembly Lesson Date your papers: Thursday, Dec 15, 2011 Friday, Dec 16, 2011 Monday, Dec 19, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "2011 Formation of National Assembly and Legislative Assembly Lesson Date your papers: Thursday, Dec 15, 2011 Friday, Dec 16, 2011 Monday, Dec 19, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011 Formation of National Assembly and Legislative Assembly Lesson Date your papers: Thursday, Dec 15, 2011 Friday, Dec 16, 2011 Monday, Dec 19, 2011 Block Days: Tuesday, Dec 20 and Wednesday, Dec 21, 201

2 Essential and Guiding Questions: 1.What causes people to rebel? 2.How did the disparity between the lives of the upper and lower estates (classes) create tension in Europe (specifically France)? 3.What are the major stages of the French Revolution 4.What is a revolution (social, political, technological, etc.)? 5.How did the people’s view of Absolutism change as a result of the Enlightenment? 6.What is the significance of absolute rule becoming shared Parliamentary rule in England? How will this affect the rest of the world? 7.How did the French Revolution represent the best and worst of the Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution?

3 Thursday, Dec 15, 2011 Quiet Question: Type Two Prompt---Making Decisions during the French Revolution---All of us make decisions all of the time, most of which (what we wear today) are trivial. Occasionally, we (individually and as institutions), face a significant and difficult decision. We are going to analyze the process that people SHOULD follow when making important decisions and then apply this process to the historical decision-making scenario. You will work with a partner on this. Your task is to advise King Louis XVI as to what he should do, following the steps laid out above. Answer each question and give historical evidence from your notes in the last two lessons to explain your reasoning.

4 Thursday, Dec 15, 2011 Step One: Describe the fundamental problem, and what you hope to accomplish. Consider the causes of the French Revolution and what could happen if the meeting of the Estates-General is called. Step Two: What are the two or three best alternatives? What are you top options? Step Three: What are the opportunity costs of each alternative? Examine the pros and cons. Step Four: What are the chances of success and the major risks and their chance of occurring? Step Five: What is your advice to King Louis XVI and why?

5 Thursday, Dec 15, 2011 Class: Have pairs share the historical decision they made. Then share with the class what King Louis XVI actually decided to do and what happened. Class: Ms. Barben is going to begin her Powerpoint Presentations, and we will be doing notes in two different methods. – Traditional notes in the provided graphic organizer on the Meeting of the Estates-General and Storming of the Bastille – Interactive notes on the provided teacher notes on the National Assembly and Legislative Assembly You must use a minimum of THREE different methods on the Left Side. You must do BOTH SIDES on each page. There are to be no gaps.

6 Thursday, Dec 15, 2011 Homework: You will be reading and Talking to the Text. You will be doing this assignment in parts. – Highlight no more than 20% of the content For the Talking to the Text, you must: – Have a minimum of THREE well-developed responses per page. – The responses must explain why and not be a few words. – You must respond to visuals, flowcharts, inset boxes of information, etc… You must use at least FIVE types of responses

7 Thursday, Dec 15, 2011 Homework Reading Chunking: Day One: Read pages 1 – 6 Day Two: Read pages 7 – 12 Day Three: Read pages 13 – 16 Day Four: Read pages 17-21

8 Friday, Dec 16, 2011 Class: Ms. Barben is going to continue her Powerpoint Presentations, and you should continue to do the notes. Homework: Continue to read and Talk to the Text on the supplemental reading.

9 Monday, Dec 19, 2011 Class: Ms. Barben is going to continue her Powerpoint Presentations, and you should continue to do the notes. Homework: Continue to read and Talk to the Text on the supplemental reading.

10 Block Day Class: Ms. Barben is going to finish her Powerpoint Presentations, and you should finish the notes. Class: If there is time, we will watch a few You Tube Film Clips to review the events we just covered. Homework: Finish reading and Talking to the Text on the supplemental reading. It is due the next class period.

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