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Prese ntation Tips Arial Calibri Century Gothic Franklin Gothic Impact Verdana Trebuchet Lucida Sans Tahoma.

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Presentation on theme: "Prese ntation Tips Arial Calibri Century Gothic Franklin Gothic Impact Verdana Trebuchet Lucida Sans Tahoma."— Presentation transcript:


2 Prese ntation Tips



5 Arial Calibri Century Gothic Franklin Gothic Impact Verdana Trebuchet Lucida Sans Tahoma

6 Times New Roman Book Antiqua Garmond Georgia Bookman MS Serif Lucida

7 Custom Animation: Keep it Simple Do: Make all of the animation on the slide the same. Only animate the entrance. Good animation: –Box –Checkerboard –Blinds –Fade In Don’t: Make everything on the slide have a different effect. Don’t animate an object more than once. Bad animation: –S–Swish/Bounce/Flip –S–Spinner/Swivel –P–Pinwheel –G–Grow n’ turn –T–Typewriter

8 Slide Backgrounds

9 To focus the audience’s attention text should be placed away from the borders.

10 Slide Notes Backgrounds should be appropriate to the topic. Pictures should be appropriate to the topic. Do Not use pictures as backgrounds. –2 or 3 small pictures are better than 1 large picture –Background pictures block reader from seeing the information Color should not distract from the slide. –Choose a plain background color Dark background = light colored font Light background = dark colored font Sounds should enhance the presentation, not distract from it. Slide transitions should be seamless.

11 Outline Format Use Keywords Limit writing Presenter Embellishes

12 Remember that PowerPoint should be used as an aid to your presentation. Your audience should get the information form you; not just the slide. Whatever you do- DO NOT read what is on the slide aloud to your audience.

13 Works Cited Splane, Mike. "PowerPoint Presentation Advice." Presentation Tips. 2006. Web. 30 Aug. 2009.. Sans-serif. Wikipedia. Web. 31 Aug. 2009.. Trusty, Alvin. "How to Create a Great PowerPoint Without Breaking the Law: Take 2.0." Presentation on PowerPoint about PPT. Elementary Tech Teachers, 11 Feb. 2009. Web. July 2009..

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