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Be Rational! Clipboard Math #22 What is the value of x in the equation: x 2 = 16/25.

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Presentation on theme: "Be Rational! Clipboard Math #22 What is the value of x in the equation: x 2 = 16/25."— Presentation transcript:

1 Be Rational! Clipboard Math #22 What is the value of x in the equation: x 2 = 16/25

2 Extreme Exponents and Radical Radicals Clipboard Math #22 Zachary has two square tables. The first table has an area of 1,296 square inches, which is 512 square inches more than the area of the second table. What is the length of the sides of Zachary’s second table? ***Please show work to receive credit.

3 Scientific Notation Clipboard Math #22 Write an expression that is equivalent to (4.5 × 10 4 )(1,200).

4 Slippery Slope Clipboard Math #22 Write an equation of the line that is graphed.

5 Balance those Equations Clipboard Math #22 A gym membership charges an initial fee of $100 plus a $25 fee every month. Another gym only charges $45 every month. After how many months will the total cost for both gyms be the same? ***Please show work to receive credit.

6 Two Variable Problems Clipboard Math #22 Line s goes through the points ( – 2, – 6) and (4, 2). Line t goes through the points ( – 2, 4) and (4, – 8). What is the point of intersection of lines s and t? ***Please show work to receive credit.

7 Company M spends $150.00 to set up their business. They spend $2.00 per item on materials and sell each item for $14.50. A second company, Company P, uses the equation y = 6.25x – 100 to determine their profit, y, per item sold, x. Which company has to sell more items to make a profit? How many more items? ***Please show work to receive credit. Funky Functions Clipboard Math #22

8 Modeling Relationships Clipboard Math #22 Green Taxi Company uses the equation y = 1.75x + 4 to calculate the total cost for a customer to ride x miles in one of their taxis. White Taxi company uses the table below to calculate the cost for a ride. Who charges more per mile and by how much? ***Please show work to receive credit. Miles (x)Cost (y) 3$10.50 5$13.50 8$18.00

9 Graph This! Clipboard Math #22 During a science experiment, the temperature of a liquid in a beaker started at 8°C and dropped by 0.8°C every 2 minutes. Write a function that models the temperature of the liquid, y, after x minutes?

10 Transforming Transformations Clipboard Math #22 Triangle PQR is drawn in quadrant III and then reflected over the y-axis. What can be inferred about the coordinates for P′Q′R′?

11 Geometry Gems Clipboard Math #22 What is the measure of angle NPR? ***Show work to receive credit.

12 Triangle JKL has coordinates J(3, 2), K(3, 9), and L(7, 2). What is the approximate length of line segment KL? ***Please show work to receive credit. Pythagorean Theorem Clipboard Math #22

13 The worlds largest ice cream cone was 10 feet tall and 3 feet in diameter. Ice cream weighs about 19.8 pounds per cubic foot. If this cone was filled with ice cream to the top without going over, approximately how many pounds of ice cream could this cone hold? ***Show work to receive credit. Formula, Formula, Formula Clipboard Math #22

14 Scatterbrained Clipboard Math #22 The graph shows the amount of money earned by students after several hours of babysitting. Which equation would best fit the data? EXPLAIN why you chose your answer.

15 Data, Data, Data Clipboard Math #22 The graph shows Isabella’s savings account over several months. Using a linear model, what is Isabella’s approximate balance in month 5?

16 BONUS Clipboard Math #22 A survey was conducted to determine the type of footwear that people preferred to purchase. The results are presented in the table. What percentage of males preferred Sport Shoes? ***Please show work to receive credit.

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