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Lab Review 9-12 When does the fun begin?. Lab 9 - Transpiration.

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Presentation on theme: "Lab Review 9-12 When does the fun begin?. Lab 9 - Transpiration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab Review 9-12 When does the fun begin?

2 Lab 9 - Transpiration

3 Remember Transpiration?? Hydrogen Bonding Cohesion Adhesion Water Potential Water: HIGH Potential  LOW Potential Highest Water Potential = 0 nch/lab9/test.html nch/lab9/test.html

4 Stomata Stoma – hole that allows CO2 in or O2 out Guard cells – open or close stoma (plural = stomata) Q: How are stomata related to transpiration? A: Source of the transpirational pull

5 Factors affecting Transpiration Light (increases / decreases) transpiration ? INCREASES – stomata open  transpiration Humid environment (inc. /dec.) transpiration ? DECREASES – more water = higher water potential Windy (increase / decrease) transpiration ? INCREASE – less water = lower water potential Hot vs warm: which will increase transpiration ? HOT – increase temp = more evaporation


7 Lab 10 – Cardiovascularity?

8 Blood Pressure Systolic – BP when heart (ventricles) has contracted Diastolic – BP when heart (ventricles) is relaxed Sphygmomanometer – measures blood pressure nch/lab10/quiz1.html nch/lab10/quiz1.html nch/lab10/quiz2.html?radio1=d&radio2=b&radio3=b&ra dio4=b&x=53&y=3 nch/lab10/quiz2.html?radio1=d&radio2=b&radio3=b&ra dio4=b&x=53&y=3

9 Lab 11 – Animal Behavior Isopods

10 Fruit fly mating behavior

11 Pillbug Behavior

12 Moar Quiz!! nch/lab11/quiz.html nch/lab11/quiz.html

13 Lab 12 – Dissolved Oxygen

14 A dude left his fish tank on top of his radiator He saw plenty of bubbles, so he thought the situation was good for his fish Why did his fish perish?

15 Factors that affect dissolved oxygen in water Temperature: As water becomes warmer, its ability to hold oxygen decreases. Photosynthetic activity: In bright light, aquatic plants are able to produce more oxygen. Decomposition activity: As organic material decays, microbial processes consume oxygen. Mixing and turbulence: Wave action, waterfalls, and rapids all aerate water and increase the oxygen concentration. Salinity: As water becomes more salty, its ability to hold oxygen decreases.

16 Productivity Rate of photosynthetic activity Rate of production of organic compounds in an ecosystem Gross Productivity – Photosynthetic production of organic compounds in an ecosystem Net Productivity – organic material that remain after some has been used for cellular respiration

17 Productivity Equation NET Productivity = GROSS Productivity – Respiration What is the Photosynthesis Equation ? CO2 + H2O + Energy  Sugar + O2


19 How do we measure productivity? Oxygen Gas concentration When light, O2 is PRODUCED by PHOTOSYNTHESIS O2 is CONSUMED BY RESPIRATION When dark, O2 is CONSUMED by RESPIRATION ONLY

20 Calculating Productivity Light D.O. – Dissolved O2 after 24 hours with exposure to light Photosynthesis + Respiration Dark D.O. – after 24 hours with no light Respiration ONLY Initial D.O. – before the experiment begins Baseline value of D.O. Photosynthesis

21 Final Quiz nch/lab12/quiz.html nch/lab12/quiz.html

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