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Epigenetics Lynn Fortney Alex McLean Tanner Elliot.

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1 Epigenetics Lynn Fortney Alex McLean Tanner Elliot

2 What is Epigenetics? The study of environmental factors on gene expression in DNA. The molecule is called methylation controls when genes are turned on. Methylation turns off genes. Acetylation turn genes on.

3 What is Epigenetics? Cont. epigenetics/intro/ epigenetics/intro/

4 History of Epigenetics Discovered by Paul Kammerer, a lamarckian evolutionist, in the 1920s. The midwife toad experiment was controversial and soon found to have been fraudulent. Recent review of his experiment has shown it to be possible.

5 Epigenetic Inheritance Genetic tags are passed down through generations When the zygote is formed many epigenetic tags are removed from the chromosomes of the parents, but some remain

6 Epigenetic Inheritance cont. Previously believed that genetic information was passed through DNA only Studies in the field of epigenetics shows that parent’s experiences are passed on to offspring through epigenetic tags

7 Identical Twins Identical twins are from the same zygote, so they begin life with the same genetic information, including epigenetic tags While infants they experience the same or very similar environments, so there is little variation in the epigenome Over time the twins’ environments will diverge, resulting in individual epigenetic tags to form for each twin

8 Identical Twins cont. The difference in the twins’ epigenomes is what makes them become different when they are older The epigenetic tags can have such an effect on the twins that one can develop a disease while the other is fine When this situation occurs, researchers will try to pinpoint the environmental factors that are responsible for the disease

9 Environmental Factors The nutrition of the mother can affect the epigenome of a fetus Stress hormones also travel from the mother to a fetus to affect the epigenome Stress, social interactions, physical activity, exposure to toxins and diet are major factors that affect the epigenome No specifics yet

10 Epigenetics in Medicine Epigenetics drugs such as azacitidine can treat leukemia. But epigenetics drugs are not specific and can harm other areas of the genome. It can also reexamine existing drugs.

11 Epigenetics in Medicine cont. Epigenetics can help us master stem cells. With that knowledge we may be able to control changing stem cells.

12 Impacts of Epigenetics Epigenetics has opened a new field in genetic research. Muddles the nature vs. nurture argument. Personal responsibility towards health for further generations.

13 Sources pigenetics-4.jpg&imgrefurl= science/epigenetics3.htm&usg=__OF8UwH6ov5Q3uuuYGmWx8BiXgKk=&h=300 &w=400&sz=13&hl=en&start=20&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=4dqGrJhitKFKtM:&tbnh =93&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3Depigenetic%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3 SearchBox%26rlz%3D1I7SUNA_en%26sa%3DN%26start%3D18%26um%3D1 aul_kammerer_fraud_or_founder_epigenetics aul_kammerer_fraud_or_founder_epigenetics

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