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A Preceptorship Handbook as a Useful Reference in Mentoring BSN Senior Students Milena Staykova, EdD Christine Huson, MSN Deidra Pennington, MSN Jefferson.

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1 A Preceptorship Handbook as a Useful Reference in Mentoring BSN Senior Students Milena Staykova, EdD Christine Huson, MSN Deidra Pennington, MSN Jefferson College of Health Science, Department of Nursing Stakeholders of Nursing Education: Leadership of Health Care Nursing Student Academic Nurse Educators Preceptors Public Problem Nurse preceptor preparation to mentor senior BSN students Nurse preceptor educational needs Nurse preceptor satisfaction Bourbonnais, F. & Kerr, E. (2007). Preceptoring a student in the final clinical placement: Reflections from nurses in a Canadian Hospital. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 16(8), 1543-1549. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Oermann, M. H. & Heinrich, K. (2005). Annual review of nursing education. Peirce, A. (1991). Preceptorial students' view of their clinical experience. The Journal of Nursing Education, 30(6), 244-250. Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Pennington, D. (2008, December). Essential Components of Clinical Preceptor Education Program. Clinical poster session presented at Nurse Faculty/Nurse Executive Summit in Scotsdale, Arizona. Ralph, B., Walker, K. & Wimmer, R (2009). Practicum and clinical experiences: Postpracticum students’ views. Journal of Nursing Education, 48(8), 434-440. Rogan, E. (2009). Preparation of nurses who precept baccalaureate nursing students: A descriptive study. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 40(12), 565-570. Smedley, A., Morey, P. & Race, P (2010). Enhancing the knowledge, attitudes, and skills of preceptors: An Australian perspective. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 41(10), 451-461. Zilembo, M. & Monterosso, L (2008). Nursing students’ perceptions of desirable leadership qualities in nurse preceptors: a descriptive study. Contemporary Nurse, 27(2), 194-206. The authors would like to thank Dr. JoAnn Grif Alspach, RN EdD FAAN f or the permission to use instrument. This research was made possible with the generous support of JCHS grant RQ1: What information should be included in a handbook to help preceptors mentor undergraduate senior nursing students? RQ2: Is a preceptorship handbook a useful reference in mentoring JCHS BSN undergraduate senior nursing students? Orientation to preceptorship based on a preceptorship handbook 92 hours practicum Frequent faculty follow up Mixed Method Validated Questionnaire with 50 items Quantitative part: 3-point Likert-type scale Qualitative part: Comment boxes A 100% of the participants agree that the preceptorship handbook was a very useful reference in mentoring students The preceptors recommendations: 1. Preceptor Role, Preceptor and preceptee responsibilities 2. Teaching how to set priorities and organize workload 3. Teaching delegation 4. Supervising preceptees 5. Amount and types of nursing experience dedicated to preceptorship 6. Conflict resolution, problem-solving strategies As a preferred method of orientation to the role of preceptor, the preceptors selected the combination of self- and educator- provided instructions that a longer then 10 minutes Data was collected and entered in an Excel spreadsheet. Mean and standard deviation were calculated. Chi-square calculations with p-value of 0.05 were significant findings and led to rejection of the null hypotheses. Background Research Questions Method and Design Results Data Collection and Analyzes Acknowledgments Literature Cited Contact Information Milena P. Staykova (540) 525-9310

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