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Basics of Research and Development and Design STEM Education HON4013 ENGR1020 Learning and Action Cycles.

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1 Basics of Research and Development and Design STEM Education HON4013 ENGR1020 Learning and Action Cycles




5 WHAT IS…. Science Technology Engineering Math English Language Arts Social Studies History Career Technical Education

6 R&D Research –A process that acquires new knowledge Development –A process that applies new knowledge to create new devices or effects Bock, Getting it Right : R&D Methods for Science and Engineering

7 Basic ScienceLinking ScienceApplication Physics Mechanics Mechanical Engineering Civil Engineering Theory and Practice one example Engineering Research


9 Why “research” Explore –discover something new Describe –document a phenomenon in detail Explain –probe the dynamics of the phenomenon and how it can be manipulated Different purposes yet all subject to the same principles.

10 Scientific Method “Discover Knowledge”  Observe and describe a phenomenon.  Formulate a hypothesis.  Make predictions.  Test and verify predictions.  Draw conclusions.

11 Scientific Method Comprises four sequential phases –Analysis –Hypothesis –Synthesis –Validation Applied iteratively and recursively to achieve the objective of the task Ref: Bock, p 167

12 Engineering Process “Designing a Solution” 1.Define the problem. 2.Collect information. 3.Develop alternative designs. 4.Analyze and refine designs. 5.Implement the optimum design. 6.Assess the results.

13 Design Problems Characteristics: Things, processes, systems Open-ended problems, many solutions Usually constrained (money, time, technology, etc.) Optimum solutions: Solve the problem, meet design criteria Satisfy constraints (budget, time, etc.) Minimize negative impacts

14 A Comparison Scientific Method “Discover Knowledge”  Observe and describe a phenomenon.  Formulate a hypothesis.  Make predictions.  Test and verify predictions.  Draw conclusions. Engineering Process “Design a Solution”  Define the problem.  Collect information.  Develop alternative designs.  Analyze and refine designs.  Implement the optimum design.  Assess the results.

15 Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) 1.Central role of science and engineering practices 2.Organized around core explanatory ideas 3.Coherence: building and applying concepts across time 1.Central role of science and engineering practices 2.Organized around core explanatory ideas 3.Coherence: building and applying concepts across time

16 Dimension 1 Scientific and Engineering Practices 1.Asking questions (science) and defining problems (engineering) 2.Developing and using models 3.Planning and carrying out investigations 4.Analyzing and interpreting data 5.Using mathematics and computational thinking 6.Constructing explanations (science) and designing solutions (engineering) 7.Engaging in argument from evidence 8.Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information For each, the Framework includes a description of the practice, the culminating 12 th grade learning goals, and what we know about progression over time.

17 Learning and Action Cycles Legacy Cycle EiE Engineering Design Cycle 5E Inquiry


19 Legacy Cycle Step s Challenge - Question that engages the learner and requires them to look at current knowledge and preconceptions. Generate Ideas – An activity that causes learners to display and compile their current knowledge/ideas/perceptions. Multiple Perspectives - Other resources that provide information related to the topic of the challenge. Research and Revise – Activities that learners engage in to help revise their original ideas based on new information Test Your Mettle – Formative assessments that enable learners evaluate the depth of their learning  Research and Revise. Go Public - Final conclusion(s) that learners display. Legacy Cycle Challenge Generate Ideas Multiple Perspectives Research and Revise Test Your Mettle Go Public




23 the five "E" learning cycle

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