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CHAPTER 9 ESSENTIAL QUESTION  How did Rome become a powerful empire? o Look at the key questions o Study the maps o See each picture  Follow these tips.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 9 ESSENTIAL QUESTION  How did Rome become a powerful empire? o Look at the key questions o Study the maps o See each picture  Follow these tips."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAPTER 9 ESSENTIAL QUESTION  How did Rome become a powerful empire? o Look at the key questions o Study the maps o See each picture  Follow these tips to help you build your study guide

2 WARM-UP Q: What kind of conflicts can happen in a country with rich and poor groups? Social turmoil (state of confusion) Civil unrest (protests, strikes) Civil war

3 STUDY GUIDE NOTES 1.DO NOT WRITE IN THE LAST SECTION  We will answer that together at the end of the class 2.VOCABULARY CHECK (pg. 2)  “_______” consists of 300 members that advised Roman leaders.”  “Officials who led the executive branch are called _______.”  “______ are commoners who could not vote but not hold government positions.”  “_______ are wealthy people who held government positions in ancient Rome. 1.Legend of Rome – 2 main points o What happened to Romulus and his brother when they were babies? o What did Romulus do when he grew older?

4 THE BEGINNINGS OF ROME  What is the early history of Rome? o 753 B.C.E. – Legend of when Romulus defeated other kings and founded Rome o After Romulus died, many rulers took over before the Etruscans conquered Rome o 509 B.C.E. – Romans overthrew Etruscans and made a republic where citizens can elect representatives to rule

5 THE BEGINNINGS OF ROME  What is the early history of Rome?  Legend of Rome o Romulus and his twin brother Remus were left by their mother and they were raised by a wolf o When they grew older, they twins fought for the land of Rome until Romulus killed Remus and made Rome’s border

6 ROME’S GEOGRAPHY AND EARLY LIFE 1  Why was Rome’s location favorable? o Farmers built homes on hills and made their farms on the bottom to defend themselves from attack o Located near the Mediterranean Sea easy access to trade routes and to other countries that Rome conquered Near Tiber River, source for water for drinking and farming

7  Why was Rome’s location favorable?  The Alps and the Apennines mountain ranges protected Rome  Romans were disciplined, loyal, and hardworking, which helped the Roman army succeed in conquering all of Italy ROME’S GEOGRAPHY AND FARM LIFE 2

8 VOCABULARY CHECK A government in which citizens elect representatives to rule in their name. Legendary hero who founded Rome. Popular stories from earlier times that cannot be proven true. Republic Romulus Legend


10 THE RISE OF THE REPUBLIC  What were the three branches of the Roman republic? o Executive branch – Led by two consuls; commanded army and ruled for 1 year; Could veto ideas o Judicial branch – eight judges who were in control of courts and provinces; served 1 year o Legislative branch – Included Senate and assemblies; Senate was made up of 300 members that advised Roman leaders

11 THE REPUBLIC EXPANDS  What were the results of Rome’s expansion? o 246 B.C., the Punic Wars began; It was a series of 3 wars with Carthage (North Africa) o 202 B.C., Romans almost lost the war, but defeated Carthage in Zama o 146 B.C., Romans captured and destroyed Carthage.

12 THE REPUBLIC EXPANDS  What were the results of Rome’s expansion? Roman conquerors brought back slaves to do farm work, bringing more money for themselves. Small farmers lost their farms and, as a result, unemployment and poverty increased. Anger and tension grew between plebeians and patricians.

13 VOCABULARY CHECK Consists of 300 members that advised Roman leaders. Officials who led the executive branch Commoners who could vote but not hold government positions. Wealthy people who held government positions in Ancient Rome. Senate Consuls Plebeians Patricians

14 SECTION 1 ANSWERS THE EQ  How did Rome become a powerful empire? 1.Rome’s favorable location 2.Roman discipline, loyalty, and hard work 3.Rome’s tripartite government (three branches) 4.Rome’s army

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