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The NHD and the Future of Stream Mapping in West Virginia Evan Fedorko West Virginia GIS Technical Center Jackie Strager (NRAC)

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Presentation on theme: "The NHD and the Future of Stream Mapping in West Virginia Evan Fedorko West Virginia GIS Technical Center Jackie Strager (NRAC)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The NHD and the Future of Stream Mapping in West Virginia Evan Fedorko West Virginia GIS Technical Center Jackie Strager (NRAC) Kevin Kuhn Kurt Donaldson WVGISTC

2 Introduction Outline: –History of NHD Development in West Virginia Overview of NHD status in WV Local Resolution NHD Pilot Projects –Existing stream map: 24K NHD Known issues Need for upgrades/stewardship –What’s next: Stewardship and the future of NHD Challenges Recommendations Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

3 NHD Status in WV National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) NHD is complete in WV for: –Medium resolution (1:100,000 scale) –High resolution (1:24,000) Local resolution NHD (1:4,800) –Pilot projects complete –Gauley –Upper Guyandotte Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

4 Local resolution NHD Local streams mapped from 2003 SAMB aerial photography and 3m DEM Benefits: –Better cartographic base for local mapping –Captures changes in stream geometry, length Status: –Pilot projects complete for Gauley, Upper Guyandotte watersheds in late 2008 –Not currently downloadable from USGS Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

5 LR-NHD Conclusions Two pilot watersheds completed WV one of the first states to complete conflation using USGS’ new conflation tools At this time, continued development of LR-NHD is not recommended. Reasons: –Issues with 1:4,800 source data – inconsistent inclusion of “special features” such as ditches and culverts –Comparative difficulty of conflation process –Propagation of HR-NHD errors –General lack of interest by the WV NHD community –The persistent generalization question –Continued changes in stream geometry Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

6 Evaluating the NHD At this time, most complete statewide stream dataset is the 24K NHD (HR-NHD) What can be improved in 24K NHD in WV? Evaluation of the 24K NHD –Statewide review by WVDEP –Documentation of errors by NRAC, WVDEP –Case study of mining-related changes (Coal River) Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

7 Issues with 24K NHD Main issues: –Errors in geometry –Errors in attributes –Errors in NHD formatting, reach coding –Changes in stream geometry since streams were mapped Source data for 24K NHD: –24K DLG data –Topo map blue lines –GNIS names Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

8 Issues with NHD: Source data NHD Source data: USGS Topo maps Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

9 Issues with NHD Quantifying issues with the NHD Primarily based on WVDEP review Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

10 Issues with NHD Quantifying issues with the NHD Primarily based on WVDEP review Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

11 Quantifying issues Type of problem Number of Segments % of Segments Total Length (mi) Possible geometry error6140.28254 NHD attribute error (FCODE)60.003 Karst/sinking streams2910.13107 NHD format error (reaches)60.00n/a Name issues (possible)2040.0989 Name issues1,3370.62657 TOTAL216,57994,796 Quantifying 24K NHD issues as identified by WVDEP review Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

12 Geometry issues in NHD Stream updates needed due to: Construction of dams, impoundments Roads, highways Ongoing mining-related alterations Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

13 Coal River case study Goal: Quantify amount of stream drainage change related to mining for southern WV watershed Input datasets: –24K NHD stream lines –1:4,800 local stream lines –2003 SAMB aerial photos –2007 NAIP aerial photos Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

14 Original 24K NHD Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

15 2003 Aerial photos 2003 Photo Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

16 Mining visible in 2003 2003 Photo Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

17 Aerial photos 2007 2007 Photo Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

18 Mining visible 2007 2007 Photo Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

19 Summary for 24K NHD in Coal DescriptionArea (acres) Length of 24K streams (mi) Entire Coal watershed570,0002,232 Impacted by mining (2003)12,32159 Impacted by newer mining (2007) 10,75733 Total: 4.1% of stream length NOTE: Similar analysis shows that 1.3% of mapped local scale streams were impacted by mining between 2003 and 2007.

20 Future of NHD for WV Goal: Establish a stewardship program for NHD in WV, including: –Ensure data updates and maintenance (immediate & long-term) –Develop procedures & policies –Establish central point of contact –Identify principal steward, sub-stewards Steps taken so far: –Drafted a business plan for NHD in WV –Drafted an MOU between potential NHD steward and the USGS Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

21 Business Plan Completed business plan for NHD in WV Business plan includes: –History of the NHD –Local Resolution Development –Current uses/users of NHD in WV –A plan for NHD stewardship in WV –A draft memorandum of understanding between the USGS and a stewardship entity Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

22 Recommendations (1) Identify the principal NHD steward for West Virginia –Candidates include: WVDEP Water, WVDEP TAGIS, WV GIS Technical Center, Natural Resource Analysis Center Responsibilities of the principal steward: –Sign MOU with USGS –Leads and coordinates stewardship efforts –Acts as the principal authority on stewardship issues –May or may not be editor of NHD data with USGS Geo Edit tools Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

23 Recommendations (2) Identify a core group of sub-stewards –Candidates: West Virginia GIS Technical Center, Natural Resource Analysis Center, WV Department of Natural Resources, USFS – Mon National Forest, et al. Responsibilities of sub-stewards: –Trained to use USGS NHD Geo Edit tools –Participate in editing of NHD data –Fill in knowledge gaps Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

24 Recommendations (3) Work as a group with the NSDI and NHD liaisons to secure start up funding for NHD Stewardship We believe funding equivalent to 1 FTE employee will be necessary to get an NHD stewardship program off the ground Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

25 Recommendations (4) Develop a coordination framework for editing the NHD; emphasize: –Organized editing –Information sharing Schedule an onsite NHD Geo Edit training session –PS and sub-stewards will participate Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

26 Recommendations (5) Convene a hydrographic data users group Some suggested tasks and topics: –Develop a “best practices” document for NHD use within groups or agencies –Explore, document and promote NHD tools and software such as the Hydro Event Management Tool (HEM) –Identify and discuss NHD stewardship policy issues Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

27 Recommendations (6) Continue and expand the compilation of known errors to the NHD Develop a methodology to receive potential edits from stewardship community, such as a web editing or web based problem reporting tool. –Several states have deployed or are developing similar tools; Vermont, Alabama, Texas, et al. Introduction Current NHD Stewardship

28 Discussion Natural Resource Analysis Center West Virginia University WV GIS Technical Center West Virginia University

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