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Chapter 5 Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities

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1 Chapter 5 Teaching Students with Learning Disabilities
By Ms. Kyle

2 List words, ideas, thoughts, feelings. Be prepared to share.
Bell work: 3 min. Topic: What comes to mind when you hear “Learning Disability?” List words, ideas, thoughts, feelings. Be prepared to share.

3 Student Learning Outcome
Identify Basic Concepts about Learning Disabilities (LD). Describe the Characteristics of Students with LD. Discuss Effective Inclusive Practices for students with LD. Classify the Role of Teachers in Classroom Adaptations for Students with LD.

4 Be Prepared Participate Have fun!

5 Warm Up Activity Mr. and Mrs. Wright

6 Definition… Specific Learning Disability means a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest it self in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations, including such conditions as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia… Specific learning disability does not include learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities, of mental retardation, of emotional disturbance, or of environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage. Page

7 Identification & Eligibility
Documentation of a child not making adequate progress in age-appropriate Standards Lack of Responsiveness to Intervention (RTI) The team must rule out the possibility that the academic deficit(s) might be primarily caused by a condition other than a learning disability. Page Observe student in Gen. Ed Classroom Evaluate whether there are any vision or hearing problems Identify a pattern from the students strengths & weaknesses Student’s history Focus on language & academic Page

8 Causation & Risk Factors
Genetic Factors Causes Occurring before birth Causes Occurring during the Birth Processes Medical & Environmental Causes Occurring after birth Page 161

9 Characteristics of Students with Learning Disabilities
Academics Reading Math Writing Language Speaking Listening Memory Social-Emotional Maturity Motor Skills & Coordination Perception Cognition Metacognition Attention Hyperactivity Page

10 Effective Inclusive Practices Activity
In your group, you will discuss and present your findings based on your topic: Elementary Services: What are some strategies that can help students with Reading, Mathematics, Written Language, & Listening Skills? PAGE 168 Secondary Services: What are some ways you can teach self-determination skills, study skills? PAGE 177 Adult Services: What are some services that are offered to adults? PAGE 182

11 Classroom Adaptations
Academic & Language Deficits (modifications) Recommended Programs Size Time Input Output Difficulty Participation Level of Support Alternative Goals Substitute Curriculum PAGE 185 -Write: Outloud -Intellitalk II -Inspiration -Writing with Symbols Stanley’s Sticker Stories PAGE 187

12 Let’s Review What is a learning disability?
Name 2 ways we can identify a student with a learning disability. Name 3 characteristics of a student with a learning disability. Name 2 modifications teachers can implement in their classrooms for students with learning disabilities.

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