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1. The trip is 90 days 3 weeks in France and Spain is 21 days. The rest is in England 90 – 21 = 69 days.

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2 1. The trip is 90 days 3 weeks in France and Spain is 21 days. The rest is in England 90 – 21 = 69 days.

3 2. Each day in England costs $240 The total cost in England is 240 x 69 = $16 560

4 3. Huia saves 2/5 of $850 2 ÷ 5 x 850 = $340 Mike saves 35% of $790 35 ÷ 100 x 790 = $276.5 Total savings 340 + 276.5 = $616.5

5 4. Ticket cost is $2500 plus 15% 15 ÷ 100 x 2500 = 375 2500 + 375 = $2875 Mike pays the whole cost

6 5. Huia’s ticket is split by the ratio of 1:4 Huia pays only 4/5 4 ÷ 5 x 2875 = $2300 Total ticket price 2875 + 2300 = $5175

7 6. The bus ride costs 2000 pounds per person. The total cost is 4000 pounds.

8 7. 4000 pounds in NZ dollars 4000 x 1.95 = $7800

9 Total Cost $16 560 England Costs $5 175Ticket Costs $7 800Bus Trip Costs $29 535Total

10 Number of Weeks Total Cost $29 535 Total savings per week 340 + 276.5 = $616.5 Number of Weeks 29 535 ÷ 616.5 = 47.9 weeks This means that they will have saved enough after 48 weeks.

11 Options 3 months is not actually 90 days It can be as low as 89 days or as high as 92 days. This means the trip could be from $240 cheaper to $480 dollars more expensive.

12 This means the most the trip could cost is 29535 + 480 = $30 015 This takes 30015 ÷ 616.5 = 48.7 weeks This means they will have saved enough after 49 weeks. And the least the trip could cost is 29535 - 240 = $29 295 This takes 29295 ÷ 616.5 = 47.5 weeks This means they will have saved enough after 48 weeks. The same as if the trip really was 90 days.

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