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Question of the Day 1.15.15 What does this map say about the WORLD? What does this tell us as potential travelers?

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Presentation on theme: "Question of the Day 1.15.15 What does this map say about the WORLD? What does this tell us as potential travelers?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Question of the Day 1.15.15 What does this map say about the WORLD? What does this tell us as potential travelers?

2 Thursday – 1.15.15 Unit 4: Political Geography Africa Map Quiz Session 4 ACTIVITY - Territorial Disputes Project Upcoming Responsibilities Territorial Disputes Project Due 1.22.15 Vocabulary Due (Wood 122-123) 1.28.15 European Union Packet Due 1.30.15 Multiple Choice Items Due (Wood 124-129) 1.30.15 Free Response Due (129) 1.30.15 Unit 4 Exam – 2.3.15 Europe Map Quiz 2.5.15

3 Groups of 3-4 Everyone must be in a group Directions for students

4 For this assignment, students will work in small groups. The students will conduct research in class and at home on a topic related to political geography. Upon conclusion of the research project, the students will have completed the following: Group Project Power Point or Other Presentation Oral presentation One page handout for the class Directions for students

5 Contents of the Power Point Presentation: Title of Presentation Names of all Group Members Map of assigned country or region (address the question: “Where?”) Overview of the issue/topic Why there? Summary (What are the key points to remember?) Works Cited (MLA format; List of resources used) Directions for students

6 ABOUT THE HANDOUT… One side only! Summarize key points: Where? Why there? Why care? Directions for students

7 Important note to students: Avoid making this a current events project. Do more than merely report the facts of your research! It is important for students to make a connection between their research and the geographic concepts learned in class. Example: To what extent do physical and cultural geography affect the region studied? Directions for students

8 Territorial Disputes Border / Boundary DISPUTES Political Geography Now The World Factbook

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