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Electronic Principles 7th Edition Albert Malvino & David J Bates

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1 Electronic Principles 7th Edition Albert Malvino & David J Bates
Ref. Books Electronic devices and circuit theory – Robert Boylestad Basic Electronics – A. P. Godse & U. A. Bakshi Rizwan H. Alad & Vasim A. Vohra

2 Part 1 Syllabus Chap. 6 Bipolar Junction Transistors
Chap. 7 Transistor Fundamentals Chap. 8 Transistor Biasing Chap. 9 Transistor AC Models Chap. 10 Voltage Amplifiers Chap. 11 CC and CB Amplifiers Chap. 12 Power Amplifiers Chap. 23 Oscillators

3 Transistor Three doped regions Emitter, Base and Collector
Base region is much thinner as compared to the collector and emitter npn and pnp Emitter is heavily doped, Base is lightly and collector is intermediate Collector regions is physically largest


5 After Diffusion Before Diffusion Each of Dep. Layer barrier potential app. 0.7 V at 25o C Unbiased transistor is like two back-to-back diodes

6 Bipolar Junction Transistors
A bipolar transistor essentially consists of a pair of PN Junction diodes that are joined back-to-back. There are therefore two kinds of BJT, the NPN and PNP varieties. The three layers of the sandwich are conventionally called the Collector, Base, and Emitter.

7 Modern Transistors

8 NPN Bipolar Junction Transistor
One N-P (Base Collector) diode one P-N (Base Emitter) diode

9 PNP Bipolar Junction Transistor
One P-N (Base Collector) diode one N-P (Base Emitter) diode

10 Analogy with Transistor :Fluid-jet operated Valve

11 *The Biased Transistor
Heavily doped emitter inject free electrons into the base Lightly doped base pass electrons on to the collector Collector collects or gathers electrons from the base Biasing method – Emitter junction FB Collector junction RB

12 Summary Forward biased emitter diode, forcing the free electrons in the emitter to enter the base Thin and lightly doped base diffuse electrons into collector Collector, through RC and into the positive terminal of VCC

13 sedr42021_0503.jpg Figure 5.3 Current flow in an npn transistor biased to operate in the active mode. (Reverse current components due to drift of thermally generated minority carriers are not shown.)

14 Transistor Currents IE – Largest emitter current
Emitter electrons flow to the collector, IC ≈ IE IB ≤ 0.01 IC KCL, IE = IC + IB

15 BJT  and  From the previous figure IE = IB + IC Define dc = IC / IE
DC alpha is slightly less than 1 Low power transistor αdc > 0.99 and High power transistor αdc > 0.95 Define dc = IC / IB - known as a current gain

16 BJT  and  Then dc = IC / (IE –IC) = dc /(1- dc)
Assignment – Derive dc = dc /(1+ dc) Then IC = dc IE & IB = (1-dc) IE Solved Example 6.1, 6.2, 6.3

17 NPN BJT Current flow

18 The CE connection CE, CC and CB
CE because emitter is common to both VBB and VCC Left loop – Base loop Right loop – collector loop

19 The CE connection Base Loop, VBB source and RB – current limiting resistor Changing VBB or RB, change base current and IB Change than IC change IB controls IC

20 Notation Single Subscripts Double Subscripts Used for Node voltages
VB – voltage between base and ground VC and VE VCE = VC – VE VCB and VBE Voltage source – VBB and VCC VBE – voltage between points B and E VCE – voltage between points C and E

21 The Base Curve / Input Characteristics
Graph IB versus VBE Like ordinary diode Ohm’s low to Base loop Ideal diode VBE = 0 and second app. VBE = 0.7 V

22 Collector Curve / output Characteristics
Graph IC versus VCE Ohm’s low to Collector loop Fixed value of based current, vary VCC and measure IC and VCE

23 Transistor Characteristics
Input Characteristics Output Characteristics

24 Active Region, Constant collector current
After collector diode reverse biased, it collect all the electrons that reach its deplation layer Further increased VCE cannot increased IC Collector can collect only those free electrons that emitter injects VCE > VCE(max), collector diode break down Power Dissipation PD = VCEIC PD < PD(max)

25 Operating Region of Transistor
Active region, middle region – normal operation of transistor Emitter diode – FB and Collector diode – RB Breakdown region – transistor will be destroyed Saturation region – rising part of curve, VCE between zero and few tenth of volt Collector diode has insufficient positive voltage to collect all the free electrons injected into the base

26 Operating Region of Transistor
Cut off region – IB = 0 but still small collector current Because collector diode RB – Reverse minority carrier + Surface leakage current

27 BJT Operating Regions


29 Analogy with Transistor in Active Region: Fluid-jet operated Valve
In active region this stopper does not really have noticeable effect on the flow rate Emitter Base Junction – FB Collector Base Junction – RB

30 Analogy with Transistor Cutoff Fluid-jet operated Valve
Emitter Base Junction – RB Collector Base Junction – RB

31 Analogy with Transistor Saturation Fluid-jet operated Valve
The valve is wide open; changing valve position a little bit does not have much influence on the flow rate. E-B Junction – FB C-B Junction – FB


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