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He is popular painter and graphic artist.. * He was born on 23 September 1871 in Opocno * He died on 24 June 1957 ( he was 85) in Puteaux, in France *

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Presentation on theme: "He is popular painter and graphic artist.. * He was born on 23 September 1871 in Opocno * He died on 24 June 1957 ( he was 85) in Puteaux, in France *"— Presentation transcript:

1 He is popular painter and graphic artist.

2 * He was born on 23 September 1871 in Opocno * He died on 24 June 1957 ( he was 85) in Puteaux, in France * His hob bies w ere painting and graphic arts. * Czech Olympic team clothes was inspired by Kupka´s picture Dvoubarevná Fuga. * He was in the World war 1 and he was injured. He recived „ Medal for Bravery“ * František Kupka was born as the eldest of five children in the family of a notarial officer

3 * He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. * Kupka enrolled at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, where he concentrated on symbolic and allegorical subjects. * By spring 1894, Kupka had settled in Paris; there he attended the Académie Julian briefly and then studied with Jean-Pierre Laurens at the des Beaux-Arts.

4 * Planes by Colors * Colored One * Reminiscence of a Cathedral * Blue Space


6 * Thank you for your attetion.

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