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WMO Feedback on CAS-16 and TECO Kindly hosted by the Turkish State Meteorological Service Deon Terblanche WMO; RES ARE, WGNE, March 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "WMO Feedback on CAS-16 and TECO Kindly hosted by the Turkish State Meteorological Service Deon Terblanche WMO; RES ARE, WGNE, March 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 WMO Feedback on CAS-16 and TECO Kindly hosted by the Turkish State Meteorological Service Deon Terblanche WMO; RES ARE, WGNE, March 2014

2 CAS-16 Technical Conference (TECO) (1)  “RESPONDING TO THE  ENVIRONMENTAL STRESSORS OF THE 21ST CENTURY”  Monday - Tuesday, 18 - 19 November 2013, Antalya, Turkey  6 Sessions wide ranging topics  Keynote and invited talks, panel discussions  85 participants and 24 posters in poster session aligned to six TECO themes  Webcast arranged by host, media support on site by Clare Nullis (one web news each on TECO and CAS-16, write-up for Meteoworld. 4 items on Facebook reaching about 25,000 people. The weekly Facebook reach was 71,000 (nearly double the previous record), partly on the basis of the TECO activity and a couple of widely shared postings made on new videos and visualizations of IPCC report.  TECO provided valuable input to the CAS-16 session, specifically to Item 9, related to the future direction of the commission  Co-chaired by Gilbert Brunet and Oystein Hov

3 16 th Session of CAS(1)  Monday to Tuesday, 20-26 November 2013, Antalya, Turkey  DSG present on Wednesday 20 th, Tang Xu for TECO and until Thursday 21 st  Side events:  THORPEX TIGGE utilities  WIGOS Metadata  World Weather Open Science Conference  21% female involvement

4 16 th Session of CAS (2)  Elections Friday morning, 22 Nov – 45 members (48 including proxies), quorum 41  One candidate for president Oystein Hov, Norway.  Three candidates for vice president, each having a 10 minute intervention (two rounds of voting):  Jim Butler, (USA)  Emilio Cuevas (Spain)  Jae-Cheol Nam (Republic of Korea)  Selection of Chairs and CAS MG  WWRP Gilbert Brunet (UK) until 31 Dec 2014 thereafter Sarah Jones (Germany

5 16 th Session of CAS (3)  Selection of Chairs and CAS MG  WWRP Gilbert Brunet (UK) until 31 Dec 2014 thereafter Sarah Jones (Germany)  EPAC Greg Carmichael  Selection of members CAS Management Group  President Oystein Hov (president)  Jae-Cheol Nam (vice president)  Michel Beland (former president)  Gilbert Brunet / Sarah Jones (chair WWRP)  Greg Carmichael (chair EPAC)  Andy Brown (co-chair WGNE)  Duan Yi-hong (invited expert)  Mariane Diop-Kane  Shiv Dev Attri  Alice Grimm  Jim Butler  Beth Ebert  Philippe Bougeault

6  Document 9: A 10-year future view: Emerging challenges and opportunities.  Integrated GHG information system: Serving society and supporting policy  Water: Modelling an predicting the water cycle for improved DRR and resource management  Aerosols: Impacts on air quality, weather and climate  High impact weather and its socio-economic effects in the context of global change  Urbanization: Research and services for megacities and large urban complexes  Evolving technologies: Impact on science and its use, including geoengineering  Document 10: Working structure of the Commission  Clear ToRs, standardization between WWRP and EPAC  Two Scientific Steering Committee with independent experts – strengthening peer review  Redefined OPAGs promoting gender and youth involvement  Clear membership and chair selection processes with an emphasis on rotation and wider involvement  Links with WMO Strategic Plan  Monitoring and Evaluation  Youth and gender focus under leadership of vice president 16 th Session of CAS (4)

7 Thank you for your attention


9 COST Action ES1004 EuMetChem Base map: © 2004-2009 23 COST countries 4 COST neighbour countries 2 COST partner countries 3 EU institutions 18 online models analysed =>

10 Suggestions for WMO WGNE - EuMetChem COST ES1004 collaboration  Joint analysis of on aerosol feedbacks on NWP (case studies of WGNEE (3), EuMetChem (3), AQMEII (2010))  Initial discussion on EGU Session AS4.2 ‘Integrated physical and chemical weather modelling with two-way interactions’ and Splinter meeting on 30 Apr 2014  Participation in Aveiro Summer School, 6-11 June 2014  Joint EuMetChem/MACC/WGNEE Coupled modelling Conference at WMO, 9-11 Feb 2015.  Joint Web-site and WMO report.  ACP special issue jointly with WMO WGNE and EGU/Integrated modelling session.  Joint vision of the EuMetChem Activity after COST ES1004

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