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Update of OGC prototype development in JAXA for EO satellite data applications Shinobu Kawahito, Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan (RESTEC) Osamu.

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Presentation on theme: "Update of OGC prototype development in JAXA for EO satellite data applications Shinobu Kawahito, Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan (RESTEC) Osamu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update of OGC prototype development in JAXA for EO satellite data applications Shinobu Kawahito, Remote Sensing Technology Center of Japan (RESTEC) Osamu Ochiai, Kengo Aizawa, Satoko Miura Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

2 Overview of OGC compliant prototype development Status Update on Land Information Map Provision System (JAXA - Chiba Univ.) - Outline, Key points in prototyping - Prototype System Snapshot - Use case of Image Comparison - Items to be Considered Further Status Update on agricultural and forestal Monitoring System (JAXA – Agricultural Ministry of Japan) - Outline - Software Replacement with FOSS - Discussion on Function Enhancement Future Idea Contents

3 Overview of OGC Compliant Prototype Development Interoperable technology exploitation with partner agencies Chiba Univ. (Land Information) MAFF Min. of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishery (Agricultural Disaster – Forest Fire, drought, Inundation - Monitoring) Collaboration Projects in Asia which adopts interoperable systems Sentinel Asia Digital Asia 200620072008 Establishment of operational disaster application systems (Forest Fire Monitoring, Flood Monitoring, etc) Infrastructure promotion to share data and information (Server deployment, service catalogue etc) Share information of user requirement, content, use cases, and systems. Provide lessons learnt through prototype development.

4 Layer : - EO images (Base map, Flood image) - Non-EO maps (Paper-scanned land map, land classified maps in different era) - Point data of concern (e.g. flood observed point) Ongoing Activities : Objective : -WMS system development using actual flood image of Ibaraki region. -FOSS (MU MapServer) based system. -Derive consideration items to optimize WMS to provide disaster images in future application systems Status Update on Land Information Map Provision System Key point to considerHow dealt with Locations in concern (e.g. flood point) can be quickly selected and smoothly zoomed. Add predefined point-data layer Show information of point layerAdd attribute query function of the point-data Easiness to compare maps.Parallel map boxes which shows images of the same region Easiness to select layer to interpret images.Pre-select image combination to compare images and set image combination layers in menu.  Outline of ongoing activity with Chiba Univ.  Key points in prototyping Provide maps and images on land info (e.g. vulnerability against flood)

5 Prototype System – Snapshot of parallel map boxes Linked Display Main Display Explanation on image combination Menu to select image combinations based on themes Both user interfaces where all layer list with a single map box and parallel map boxes with short guide on image comparison are developed. Flood Location List - Give Zoom of the point

6 a b c d a b c d Image combination theme : “Flood image and Land type” Building area Alluvial valley plain Lower terraces To compare images, sometimes overlay is not user friendly to find out locations where important changes occurred. Comparing images with parallel map boxes are another method. Use Case of Image Comparison Natural Levee Mostly it’s vulnerable valley plain where flood occurs. Some potentially not-weak land type also flooded. (since bank collapsed close to those land types.

7 Land Use in 1976Land Use in 1997 Landsat Image in 1986Geomophological Maps Image Combination theme: “Land use change” Image Combination theme: “EO image and Land type” Alluvial Valley plain Natural Levee Paddy Use Case of Image Comparison Built-up area First, identify urbanized area. Then, see whether its happens inside weak paddy area.

8 Further consideration items are derived to optimize WMS to provide disaster images in future application systems.  Information Contents - Candidates of fundamental dataset are considered. ( To compare normal state and disaster observed state, to understand important land cover change from the disaster reduction viewpoint. ) - Add elevation information layer. (e.g. DEM contour)  Function for Application For user friendly usage, - Enhance parallel map boxes to easy identify of correspondent location. - Extend capability for user (or editor) to edit point and its information via web. (User-driven function is useful in application systems to customize information by user.)  R&D viewpoint - Equip capability to connect WMS server catalogue to add layer dynamically in user I/F. - Support (WMS-)Tiling for quick displaying. Items to be considered further

9 Status Update on Agricultural disaster Monitoring System - Transfer hotspot monitoring prototype to operational (by MAFF) - Replacement of software components in the previous WMS client system. - Discussion on function enhancement to support user friendliness. Ongoing Activity : Objective :WMS/WFS prototype development to early detection in the Asia bloc on forestry and agricultural disaster monitoring.  Outline of ongoing activity with MAFF Hotspot Monitoring in Thailand Hotspot Monitoring in East Asia Vegetation Monitoring in East Asia Inundation Monitoring in Indochina Region.

10 - S oftware component of the previous WMS client system was replaced in accordance with machine renewal. - Freeware MapServer was adopted to replace COTS software for costless maintenance and arbitrary development for prototyping purposes. - If to replace software components also of WMS server system, several good merits will be acquired. Under consideration. e.g.) - on the fly re-projection ability - Ability to deal with large TIFF image with thumbnails of reduced resolution inside of the same TIFF. Software replacement with FOSS  Software replacement with FOSS

11 Discussion on Function Enhancement Vegetation Monitoring  Discussion on function enhancement to support user friendliness To provide multiple types of value-added images to monitor drought status, data contents and algorism to create is also part of items to consider to develop application system. # Existing problem - Dynamic data process of certain high-processed images to support in seek algorithm until finalized. (high-processed images; e.b. normal NDVI) - Add GIS statistic function to visualize time dimensional changes per region of drought related data. - Add multiple map boxes to help to compare images. # Expected Enhancement - Situation is similar to Vegetation Monitoring - In addition, elevation information is needed to understand inundation status geographically. -> 3D visualization and walk-through ability is needed in the viewer. Inundation Monitoring

12 Future Idea Under Consideration Image data WCS WMS CPS Contour Drawing Service End User DEM Provision Service ( WCS ) Image Provision Service ( WMS ) DEM data WCS DEM Provision Service ( WCS ) DEM data ICEDS Server A Server B Web Application System JAXA Application System A Application System C ・ DEM Request ・ Image request ・ contour image request ・ DEM server URI ・ process option … etc ・ return DEM ・ return image ・ return contour image ・ Overlaid Image JAXA Application System B Web Application System Flood monitoring, Land Info System, etc Share Functions in Repeated Needs by setting as a independent service.

13 Thank you.

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