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What was the oldest European settlement in the United States? St. Augustine, Florida.

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1 What was the oldest European settlement in the United States? St. Augustine, Florida

2 What was the oldest European settlement in the United States? St. Augustine, Florida

3 What group of people assisted Great Britain in the French and Indian War (Seven Years War) against France? Colonial troops

4 What was the Reformation? A movement to reform the Catholic Church because of practices such as buying and selling church positions

5 Who was the conquistador who explored Alabama? Hernando DeSoto

6 How was the Virginia House of Burgesses significant to our existing government? It was a step toward self government which led to the democratic government of the United States

7 Which English colony was the first to be successful in becoming a permanent settlement? Jamestown, Virginia

8 What was the result of the exchange of diseases which took place during the Columbian Exchange? It destabilized the Native Americans because they had no immunity to the diseases introduced by Europeans; these diseases wiped out huge numbers of their population.

9 What was the Columbian Exchange? The Columbian Exchange was the exchange of plants, animals, foods, and diseases among North America and other parts of the world after Columbus completed his voyage in 1492

10 Which were the first battles of the Revolutionary War during which Paul Revere made his “midnight ride”? Lexington and Concord

11 “No taxation without representation” was a slogan that was used in the beginnings of which war in the history of the United States? American Revolutionary War

12 Which document was a significant early influence on the Constitution due to the inclusion of the idea that a king’s power was not absolute? Magna Carta

13 Who were John Locke, Baron de Montesquieu, and Jean Jacques Rousseau? They were philosophers whose beliefs helped shape the government of the United States

14 John Locke believed that the government should only get its authority from the ____________ people

15 Which document in early United States history was found to be inadequate because the states were loosely bonded, resulting in a weak or limited national government? Articles of Confederation

16 What were the warnings included in Washington’s Farewell Address? He warned about political parties, permanent alliances with foreign countries, and the need for national morality

17 A series of religious revivals that swept across the colonies was called the _______________ Great Awakening

18 A government that divides power between the national (federal) government and the state governments is called a _______________ Federal System or Federalism

19 Who is known as the Father of the Constitution? James Madison

20 Which amendment ended slavery? Thirteenth Amendment

21 Which amendment provided for women’s suffrage or right to vote? Nineteenth Amendment

22 Which amendment guarantees the rights of citizenship? Fourteenth Amendment

23 The following passage states the purpose of the Constitution. What is it called? We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Preamble to the Constitution

24 The first ten amendments to the Constitution which protect the rights of citizens are called the _________ Bill of Rights

25 What is the purpose of the Elastic Clause? It can be used to “stretch” or expand the powers of Congress by allowing Congress to pass laws that are necessary and proper to carry out specific powers.

26 Which philosopher’s beliefs are reflected in this passage? One main idea or principle in the Constitution is separation of powers. The first three articles divide the national government into three branches: legislative, executive, and judicial. The writers of the Constitution did not want one part of government to become too powerful. Montesquieu

27 Two sets of laws that were passed to restrict the rights of African Americans were _________. Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws

28 Which amendment allowed all males to vote regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude? Fifteenth Amendment

29 What do the 13 th, 14 th, 15 th, and 19 th amendments have in common? They are about rights for minorities

30 We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. This is an excerpt from the ____________. Declaration of Independence

31 The Social contract theory provides the rationale behind the historically important idea that government should derive its authority form the consent of the _______________. People or Governed

32 I was an important figure in the American Revolution who is mostly known for my “Give me liberty or give me death” speech. Patrick Henry

33 Who was the leader of the colonial army? George Washington

34 Which battle in the Revolutionary War convinced France to join the fight of the side of the American colonists? Battle of Saratoga

35 After the United States gained its independence from Great Britain in the Revolutionary War, they fought them again in the _____________. War of 1812

36 Great Britain recognized the United States as a free and independent nation when they signed the ___________. Treaty of Paris of 1783

37 Where did George Washington train colonial troops throughout a long, hard winter during which 2,500 troops died? Valley Forge, Pennsylvania

38 This document concerned the foreign policy of the United States in the 1800’s, including the plan that Europe would stay out of the affairs of the Western Hemisphere, and the U.S. would stay out of the affairs of Europe. Monroe Doctrine

39 Which land purchase nearly doubled the size of the United States? Louisiana Purchase

40 When did Alabama become a state? 1819

41 A line is established at 36 degrees, 30’ between free and slave states. Missouri would be admitted to the Union as a slave state and Maine would be admitted as a free state. This is the_______________. Missouri Compromise

42 An idea that contributed to the Mexican- American War was that the United States must expand from the Atlantic Ocean (East Coast) to the Pacific Ocean (West Coast) and possess the entire North American continent. This was called ________________. Manifest Destiny

43 In 1849 thousands of “Forty-Niners” came to California seeking ____________. Gold

44 The people in this list were all known as being___________. Fredrick Douglas William Lloyd Garrison Harriet Tubman Harriet Beecher Stowe Sojourner Truth Abolitionists

45 A network of homes/individuals that helped escaped slaves get to the northern part of the United States or Canada became known as the ______________. Underground Railroad

46 The effects of Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were recognized when American women were able to ________________. Exercise their voting rights

47 In which battle during the War of 1812 in central Alabama were the Creek Indians defeated by forces led by General Andrew Jackson? Battle of Horseshoe Bend

48 Who formed the Women’s Suffrage Association? Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony

49 Which reform movement helped lead to the passage of the constitutional amendment that instituted national Prohibition? Temperance movement

50 Which battle is considered one of the turning points of the Civil War? Why? Battle of Gettysburg- It was the first major defeat for Robert E. Lee after which he did not attempt further strategic offensives into the North.

51 What Supreme Court ruling made the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional or illegal by denying a slave the right to be free after his owner took him north of the line for slave states? It stated that he was not a citizen and could not bring a case to court because he was the property of his master. Dred Scott Decision

52 Reconstruction ended when ______________ President Hayes pulled federal troops out of the South

53 What do the Homestead Act and the Morrill-Land Grant Act have in common? The Homestead Act provided land (160 acres to settlers, and the Morrill-Land Grant Act provided land for colleges

54 This act stated that California would enter the Union as a free state and people who lived in the areas of the Utah and New Mexico Territories would use popular sovereignty to determine free or slave status. Compromise of 1850

55 Which location is known as the “Cradle of the Confederacy”? Montgomery, Alabama

56 What was the location for the surrender of General Robert E. Lee to General Ulysses S. Grant at the end of the Civil War? Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia

57 Two derogatory terms used to describe people in the aftermath of the Civil War were ____________ and ______________. The first term referred to a group of white Republican Southerners who sympathized wit the federal Reconstruction effort. The second term referred to white business people from the North who moved to the South during Reconstruction. Scalaways and Carpetbaggers

58 Several movements sought to reform society in some way. Which movement was seeking primarily to support the rights of farmers in the Mid-West? Populist Movement

59 What do windmills, railroads, and barbwire have in common? Led to more people joining the westward expansion in the United States

60 Both the mechanical reaper and the cotton gin made it possible for ___________ Greater productivity for farmers (fewer people could get more work done)

61 What was the name of the final battle between General Custer and the Plains Indians? Battle of the Little Bighorn

62 What was the name of the final battle between General Custer and the Plains Indians? Battle of the Little Bighorn

63 Which method of transportation contributed MOST to westward migration the late 19 th century? Railroads

64 What city became the South’s foremost iron and steel industrial center? Birmingham, Alabama

65 Ida Tarbell and Upton Sinclair where known as __________ Muckrakers who were journalists that investigated and exposed crime, corruption, waste, and abuse in the public and private sectors

66 In 1859 The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection was published. By the late nineteenth century, some people translated the “survival of the fittest” message of this book into economic and social issues. This was called ________ Social Darwinism

67 In the 1900s, what product became illegal throughout the United States as a result of the 18 th Amendment to the United States Constitution? Alcoholic Beverages

68 During President Theodor Roosevelt’s administration, Congress passed two important consumer protection acts. These acts were ____________ Pure Food and Drug Act and Meat Inspection Act

69 The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was formed under the leadership of ____________ W.E.B. Du Bois

70 Which “Robber Baron” or “Captain of Industry” gave much of his riches to fund libraries, schools, and universities? Andrew Carnegie

71 Who was the leader in the African American community who also became a great leader at Tuskegee Institute? Booker T. Washington

72 The Rough Riders fought in Cuba during the __________ Spanish-American War

73 During the Spanish-American War the United States gained control of ___________ Puerto Rico, Guam, Cuba, and the Philippines

74 Who was the Alabamian that aided wit the eradication of mosquitoes in Cuba and during the building of the Panama Canal? William Gorgas

75 Around the time of the Spanish- American War, what was the term for sensational writing with no regard for the truth? Yellow Press or Yellow Journalism

76 The Unites States’ Open Door Policy in the Eastern Hemisphere tried to establish ____________ Equal trading rights for foreign nations

77 One form of imperialism in the strengthening of a nation’s political and economic power by acquiring additional territory. Which of the following conflicts involved American imperialism? Spanish-American War

78 The completion of this project in 1914 helped the United States to become a major word sea power. Panama Canal

79 Upon what country did the United States declare war in World War I? Germany

80 The expansion of black writers, poetry, dance and art in New York beginning in the 1920’s was the ____________ Harlem Renaissance

81 A Blues composer and musician with ties to Alabama who is known as the Father of the Blues is ____________ W.C. Handy

82 Who were the two Italian immigrants who were jailed, convicted and executed for their political views during the time of the Red Scare? Sacco and Vanzetti

83 Movies became very popular in the 1920’s. Theaters across the United States showed the films that were produced in _______________ Hollywood, California

84 Isolationism in America was illustrated in 1920 when the United States failed to ratify or join the ____________ even though President Wilson felt that it would prevent the threat of future wars League of Nations

85 What was the name for the young women who rebelled against customary social standards during the Roaring Twenties? Flappers

86 What ended the Jazz Age? Great Depression

87 A prominent writer during the Roaring Twenties whose novels illustrate the high society life of the 1920’s. The Great Gatsby is his best-known work. F. Scott Fitzgerald

88 An American gangster who led in the smuggling and bootlegging of liquor during the Prohibition years and was convicted by the federal government for income tax evasion was _________ Al Capone

89 A period between 1929 and 1941 marked by high unemployment and severe poverty is known as the ______________ Great Depression

90 Programs such as Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Tennessee Valley Authority, and Social Security Act were a part of President Franklin Roosevelt’s _____________ New Deal

91 Which New Deal program povided both jobs and electricity? Tennessee Valley Authority

92 President Franklin Roosevelt used this method to speak directly to the people to gather support for his New Deal. Fireside chats

93 Which New Deal Program employed many unmarried men between the ages of 17 and 23 to plant trees, install electric lines, and construct buildings and trails in parks? Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

94 A drought occurred during the Great Depression which forced many Mid- West farmers to leave or lose their farms. What was this drought called? Dust Bowl

95 The American President at the beginning of the Great Depression years who lost to Franklin Roosevelt because the people blamed him for the nation’s economic problems was _______________ Herbert Hoover

96 Which New Deal Program raised the minimum wage to forty cents an hour and set standards that prevented child labor under the age of 16? Fair Labor Standards Act

97 Which event had the GREATEST influence on the United States decision to enter World War II? Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

98 Which countries where “The Big Three” allies of the United States in World War II? Soviet Union, Great Britain and France

99 During World War I, the United States government sold war bonds to MOSTLY to _____________ Help finance the cost of the war

100 What term is used to describe the invasion of the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944, by the Allied forces during World War II? D-Day

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