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8-2 Classifying Angles Course 2 Warm Up Warm Up Problem of the Day Problem of the Day Lesson Presentation Lesson Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "8-2 Classifying Angles Course 2 Warm Up Warm Up Problem of the Day Problem of the Day Lesson Presentation Lesson Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 8-2 Classifying Angles Course 2 Warm Up Warm Up Problem of the Day Problem of the Day Lesson Presentation Lesson Presentation

2 Warm Up Course 2 8-2 Classifying Angles 1. What percent of the model is shaded? 2. Find the value of 5 2 + 5 3. 3.What is the percent of change if 20 is increased to 25? 4.On a scale drawing of a tree with a scale of 1 cm = 0.9 m, the height of the tree is 1.2 cm. What is the actual height of the tree? 71% 150 25% 1.08 m

3 An angle is formed by two rays with a common endpoint. The two rays are the sides of the angle. The common endpoint is the vertex. Angles are measured in degrees (°). A C B 1 Vertex Course 2 8-2 Classifying Angles Learn to identify angles and angle pairs.

4 An angle’s measure determines the type of angle it is. A right angle is an angle that that measures exactly 90°. The symbol indicates a right angle. An acute angle is an angle that measures less than 90°. An obtuse angle is an angle that measures more than 90° but less than180°. A straight angle is an angle that measures 180°. Course 2 8-2 Classifying Angles

5 Tell whether each angle is acute, right, obtuse or straight. A. B. obtuse angle acute angle Course 2 8-2 Classifying Angles

6 Insert Lesson Title Here Tell whether each angle is acute, right, obtuse, or straight. A. B. straight angle acute angle Course 2 8-2 Classifying Angles

7 If the sum of the measures of two angles is 90°, then the angles are complementary angles. If the sum of the measures of two angles is 180°, then the angles are supplementary angles. Course 2 8-2 Classifying Angles

8 Course 2 8-2 Classifying Angles C Omplementary upplementary C C = 90˚ = 180˚ + 90˚ C

9 Course 2 8-2 Classifying Angles You can name this angle ABC, CBA, B, or 1. Reading Math A B C 1

10 Use the diagram to tell whether the angles are complementary, supplementary, or neither. Course 2 8-2 Classifying Angles Since 60° + 30° = 90°, PMQ and OMP are complementary. O P Q M OMP and PMQ

11 Use the diagram to tell whether the angles are complementary, supplementary, or neither. Course 2 8-2 Classifying Angles O N R M Since 15° + 165° = 180°, NMO and OMR are supplementary. Read mNMO as “the measure of angle NMO.” Reading Math NMO and OMR

12 Use the diagram to tell whether the angles are complementary, supplementary, or neither. Course 2 8-2 Classifying Angles PMQ and QMR P Q R M Since 30° + 75° = 105°, PMQ and QMR are neither complementary or supplementary.

13 Angles A and B are complementary. If mA is 56 °, what is the mB? Course 2 8-2 Classifying Angles Angles P and Q are supplementary. If mP is 32 °, what is the mQ?

14 One way to classify triangles is by the lengths of their sides. Course 2 8-6 Classifying Triangles Learn to classify triangles by their side lengths and angle measures.

15 Triangles classified by sides A scalene triangle has no congruent sides. Course 2 8-6 Classifying Triangles

16 Triangles classified by sides An isosceles triangle has 2 congruent sides Course 2 8-6 Classifying Triangles

17 Triangles classified by sides In an equilateral triangle, all of the sides are congruent. Course 2 8-6 Classifying Triangles

18 Another way to classify triangles is by the measures of their angles. Triangles classified by angles In an acute triangle, all of the angles are acute. Course 2 8-6 Classifying Triangles

19 Triangles classified by angles An obtuse triangle has one obtuse angle. Course 2 8-6 Classifying Triangles

20 Triangles classified by angles A right triangle has one right angle. Course 2 8-6 Classifying Triangles

21 Classify each triangle according to its sides and angles. A. Two congruent sides acuteThree acute angles This is an isosceles acute triangle. B. No congruent sides rightOne right angle This is a scalene right triangle. isosceles scalene Course 2 8-6 Classifying Triangles

22 Classify each triangle according to its sides and angles. C. Three congruent sides acuteThree acute angles This is an equilateral acute triangle. equilateral Course 2 8-6 Classifying Triangles D.No congruent sides obtuseOne obtuse angle (exceeds 90°) This is a scalene obtuse triangle. scalene

23 Insert Lesson Title Here Classify each triangle according to its sides and angles. E. Two congruent sides obtuseOne obtuse angle This is an isosceles obtuse triangle. F. Two congruent sides rightOne right angle This is an isosceles right triangle. isosceles Course 2 8-6 Classifying Triangles

24 Identify the different types of triangles in the figure, and determine how many of each there are. TypeHow manyName Scalene 2 ABD,BCD Isosceles Right Obtuse Acute ACE, ABC ABD,BCD ACE ABC 2 2 1 1 Course 2 8-6 Classifying Triangles

25 Insert Lesson Title Here A B C D E F G H I J Identify the different types of triangles in the figure, and determine how many of each there are. Isosceles Obtuse Acute 5 2 4 NameHow manyType DJA,JDG HJI,BCD DFE DJA,ADG JDG,JHI, BCD,DEF Course 2 8-6 Classifying Triangles

26 Lesson Quiz Classify each triangle according to its sides and angles. 1. 7ft, 8ft, 12ft 2. 45°, 90°, 45° 3. 12, 9, 12 4. 120°, 20°, 40° 5. Identify the different types of triangles in the figure and determine how many of each there are. right scalene Insert Lesson Title Here isosceles obtuse 1 isosceles acute triangle, 1 equilateral triangle, 1 scalene right triangle Course 2 8-6 Classifying Triangles

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