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 360 mya to 300 mya  Ancestors of birds, reptiles and mammals.

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Presentation on theme: " 360 mya to 300 mya  Ancestors of birds, reptiles and mammals."— Presentation transcript:

1  360 mya to 300 mya  Ancestors of birds, reptiles and mammals

2  300 mya to 250 mya  Largest mass extinction  Pangaea forms

3  250 mya to 210 mya  Conifer trees  Mosses  Early dinosaurs

4  210 mya to 145 mya  Plant eating dinosaurs  Small carnivorous dinosaurs  Birds

5  145 mya to 65 mya  Flowering plants  Dinosaurs go extinct

6  65 mya to 1.8 mya  Grass, flowers, insects, fish, birds, mammals


8  1.8 mya to present  Mammoths, saber tooth tigers  Last ice age  Humans appear

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