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On the Electromagnetic Spectrum By Derme, Travis and Zak WWW1 - 2/2010.

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Presentation on theme: "On the Electromagnetic Spectrum By Derme, Travis and Zak WWW1 - 2/2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 On the Electromagnetic Spectrum By Derme, Travis and Zak WWW1 - 2/2010

2 X-Rays – Wavelength and its energy type on the Electromagnetic Spectrum X-Rays have a wavelength the size of an atom.(10 -10 m) The energy of one photon in x-rays(Soft) of between 10 2 – 10 4. The energy of one photon in x-rays(Hard) of between 10 4 – 10 6 +.

3 Unique Features

4 Common Sources Many things in space emit X-rays, among them are: Black holes Neutron stars Binary star systems Supernova remnants Stars Our Sun Some comets Supercollider's X-Ray machines Radioactive Elements

5 How and were it is detected and or received?

6 How Humans use X-Rays To do bone scans – see if all the bones are all where they are supposed to be. To do mouth scans – see what your teeth and their roots look like. Astronomy – To see what a stellar event looks like and how and what is happening.

7 Anything Else It was first called "X" to indicate it was an unknown type of radiation. But the name stuck, despite many scientists saying it should be named “Roentgen rays” after the person who discovered them. X-rays cannot pierce all the way through Earth’s atmosphere. When something is heated to over a million degrees, it will give off X-rays!

8 Credits- NASA- Wikipedia- Other

9 Ms Nash

10 Resources

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