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Classroom management for the 21 st Century Scholarship and certificate programme Workshop 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom management for the 21 st Century Scholarship and certificate programme Workshop 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom management for the 21 st Century Scholarship and certificate programme Workshop 2

2 Classroom procedures Time-saving tips for teachers Motivation Introduction to non-verbal communication Agenda for today:

3 Classroom procedures: Health warning: You can’t deliver long instructions for every single classroom procedure (and you shouldn’t have to!) Organisational and administrative parts of the school day Unavoidable but add nothing to academic learning and can waste a huge amount of time and energy Like classroom rules, procedures are most effective when implemented in discussion with students

4 Time management strategies for teachers Students-Giving-Instructions-6084418/

5 Motivation Are your students motivated to learn at school? If not, why not? If yes, what motivates them? What strategies do you use to motivate them?

6 Motivation Intrinsic motivation: motivation that is driven by an interest or enjoyment in the task itself, and exists within the individual rather than relying on any external pressure. Extrinsic motivation: motivation that comes from outside of the individual. Common extrinsic motivations are rewards like money and grades, coercion and threat of punishment. Wikipedia

7 The problem with carrots and sticks: 1.They can extinguish intrinsic motivation 2.They can limit performance 3.They can crush creativity 4.They can crowd out good behaviour 5.The can encourage cheating and shortcuts 6.They can become addictive 7.They can foster short-term thinking (Daniel Pink, 2009)

8 Conditions for developing intrinsic motivation: Mastery Autonomy Purpose (Daniel Pink, 2009)

9 Strategies to promote intrinsic motivation: Use ‘now that’ instead of ‘if, then’ rewards Offer praise in right way: – Praise effort and strategy, not intelligence – Make praise specific – Praise in private Help students see the bigger picture Have a Fed Ex day Try DIY report cards Turn students into teachers (Daniel Pink, 2009)

10 An Introduction to Communication Communication: “the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium” The Oxford English Dictionary The classroom is a social setting Whole-class teaching stretches our normal social skills to the extreme Behaviour is an important form of communication, perhaps more so than the words we speak

11 Behaviour as non-verbal communication: Head and body posture Facial expression Gaze Hand movements Interpersonal distance Intonation Pace of speech Dress

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