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Oceans. Earth’s Oceans 71% Earth’s Surface is water Mostly Ocean Divided by continents into 5 Oceans Pacific (Largest), Atlantic (2 nd ), Indian, Arctic,

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Presentation on theme: "Oceans. Earth’s Oceans 71% Earth’s Surface is water Mostly Ocean Divided by continents into 5 Oceans Pacific (Largest), Atlantic (2 nd ), Indian, Arctic,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oceans

2 Earth’s Oceans 71% Earth’s Surface is water Mostly Ocean Divided by continents into 5 Oceans Pacific (Largest), Atlantic (2 nd ), Indian, Arctic, and Southern Ocean.

3 Oceans cont… 97% is ocean water. Only 3% is freshwater. – 2% is locked up in glaciers and ice caps. – 1% is usable by humans Groundwater Rivers lakes

4 History of Earth’s Oceans Like Pangea, oceans were one giant body of water too. Panthalassa Oceans formed when Pangaea broke apart Review: What was the mechanism for Continental Drift?

5 Elements, substances, compound Element – pure substance. Simplest form it can be Pure Substance – only one type of particle. Gold, Silver, Copper Compound – two or more elements jointed together. Water = H and O Vinegar = H, C, O Carbon Dioxide = C, O

6 Ocean Water It is salty NaCl aka Sodium Chloride NaCl – has two or more elements (Compound) How did it get there? Other minerals in water too.

7 Chock full of solids Ocean water evaporates Leaves behind a dissolved solid NaCl = most abundant Salinity – measure of amount of dissolved solids in a liquid

8 Salinity Affects Climate Some parts of oceans are saltier than others High salinity = Coastal areas with dry and hot climate Lower Salinity = Coastal areas with cooler, more humid climate WHY?

9 Mixtures A combination of two or more substances that are not chemically combined Can separate mixtures by either Physical or Chemical Means

10 Methods of Separating Distillation Magnet Centrifuge

11 Solutions Solution – homogeneous (Same) of two or more substances uniformly dispersed throughout a single phase Solute – substance that dissolves Solvent – what is dissolves in You can pour things into a vent!!!! HINT!!!!

12 Suspension Like a snow globe A mixture in which particles are dispersed throughout a gas or liquid… but are large enough that they settle out. Too large to stay mixed

13 Water Movement Affects salinity Water moves different in some areas than others Bays, Gulfs, Seas don’t have currents Water is slow moving These areas have high salinity

14 Temperature Zones Temperature of water decreases the deeper you go This change is not gradual Divided into three layers

15 Temperature Zones

16 Surface Temperature Changes

17 Oceans – A Global Thermostat Why doesn’t the ocean freeze, when the lakes near them do? Oceans absorb and release thermal energy slower than on land If it was like that on land, we would have violent weather

18 Ocean Temperatures Regulates temperatures at different locations Equator = direct rays Poles = indirect rays Waters at equator are warmer than at higher latitudes Currents in ocean move water and energy it contains Warm water currents cause coastal lands to have warmer climates than they would if no current existed. British Isles (Gulf Stream)

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