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North American Martyrs School. General Rules  Follow directions.  Don’t be rough with the equipment.  Help each other if you can.

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Presentation on theme: "North American Martyrs School. General Rules  Follow directions.  Don’t be rough with the equipment.  Help each other if you can."— Presentation transcript:

1 North American Martyrs School

2 General Rules  Follow directions.  Don’t be rough with the equipment.  Help each other if you can.

3 Take Care of Equipment  Don’t push buttons on the computer.  Don’t stick your fingers into the computer.  Keep cords out of your mouth.

4 Before You Come In  Use hand sanitizer on entering.  Leave gum, candy, food, and drink outside.

5 When You’re Sitting Down  Use correct posture.  Use both hands to type.  Hands on your own keyboard and mouse.

6 While You’re Working  Sit in your assigned seat.  Keep your eyes on your OWN screen.  Keep your headphones on for CCC.  Store your work in your desktop folder.

7 If you have an emergency  Let Mrs. Pascoe know you have to use the restroom, and go. Think about this BEFORE starting CCC.  Sneeze into your shoulder. If you sneeze into your hand or use a tissue get more hand sanitizer.  If you’re going to be sick, go to the trash can or the bathroom.

8 If You Have a Problem  Don’t yell at the teacher or wave your hands. Wait until teacher is available.  Ask a neighbor if they can help you.

9 When on the Internet  Stay on approved websites.  No email.  No chatting.  Never give out personal information.  Ask permission before installing ANYTHING! Don’t just click “yes”!

10 If You Stumble on Something Inappropriate  X out immediately and tell an adult what happened.  Don’t call your friends over to see whatever it is.

11 When It’s Time to Go  Return headphones to top of monitor.  Close out all programs.  Check the desktop for stray files and delete or move to your folder  Push your chair under the table.

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