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Strategies That Mean Success Getting to know the battle plan for reading.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategies That Mean Success Getting to know the battle plan for reading."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategies That Mean Success Getting to know the battle plan for reading

2 METACOGNITION  Simple definition – “Thinking about thinking”  How do you get your answers?  Why do you think the way you think?  Example: School uniforms are a good idea. Why or why not? Evidence?

3 The Path to Knowledge 1. To assume means to believe something is true, but without proof. 2. To think means to have a particular opinion, belief, or idea about someone or something. 3. To know means to be absolutely certain or sure about something, usually through observation, inquiry, or information. YOU CAN’T KNOW SOMETHING WITHOUT THINKING ABOUT IT FIRST!!!

4 Why do I need to think?  Critical thinking can help you to figure out how to resolve a problem.  Putting together a puzzle  Deciding which product is cheaper at the grocery store  Finding the lost homework you thought you put in your homework folder

5 How do I THINK about a reading passage?  Have a plan – A BATTLE PLAN!!!  This symbol should be visible at the top of EVERY reading passage you complete! P review Q uestions R ead R eread N otes S trategies

6 Identifying Questions  Author’s purpose  Compare/Contrast  Fact/Detail  Fact/Opinion  Inference/Conclusion  Literary Devices  Main Idea  Mood/Tone  Organization  Plot Elements  Supporting Ideas  Vocabulary  BEFORE you read, you should identify the type of question and what it is asking.  Types of questions:

7 Key words to look for… Author’s purposeWhat’s the purpose… Author probably wrote… Author most likely… Compare/ContrastBoth; Similar; Same; Different; Compares; In common Fact/DetailWho; Where; When; What **Simple questions about basic facts in the story Fact/OpinionWho; Where; When; What The reader… Inference/ConclusionWhy; Because; Probably; Conclude **Question asks you to make an educated guess Literary DevicesSimilie; Metaphor; Personification; Irony; Foreshadowing; Symbol; Theme Main IdeaMostly about… Supports the idea… Belongs in the empty box… Mood/ToneThe character felt… The author conveys a sense of … Mood can be described as… OrganizationThe author organizes… Which event happened first? What caused… Plot ElementsConflict; Resolution; Events: Rising Action; Exposition; Climax; Setting **Questions about parts of a plot chart Supporting IdeasWhich statement… Which line… Which paragraph… Supports… Help the reader understand… Vocabulary The word ____ means…

8 While you read…  While you read (and reread), be an active reader, or … TALK TO THE TEXT !  Monitor and clarify  Envision  Connect  Question  Infer  Evaluate  Synthesize

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